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    Happy Birthday Kerse RIP
  2. Everybody is taking advantage of detroit. I agree with what your saying, besides the fuck MSK part. But their coming through, leaving their mark, then dipping. Then they come back every now and then to do the same thing. The cops are eventually going to get tired of graffiti over running the city. The same thing happened in NYC in the 70's. Besides, I have seen comments where people are saying i'm going to paint at blah blah blah tonight, anybody want to join. I don't think talking about spots where everyone can see it is a good idea, that's why there are PM's!
  3. BUMP that DARK and Dues freight!!! FST
  4. I second this. I have heard people say detroit has a wack scene. No they do not. If you consider burners where most people would do a throw as wack, they need a reality check. Bump MSK AWR TMD in detroit and bump everybody in detroit that's putting in all the work!
  5. The most detailed zeal I have ever seen. He must have been there for a mother fucking minute!
  7. Bump the hell out of those DIBS EB!!!!
  8. Damn... Yall are straight riding dudes out in this thread. Close up of your eye balls hahahahaha
  9. the shit that gets said in this thread..... amusing!!!
  10. remix and agent always coming correct
  11. Your getting a lot better ZOMB. Although I would say, that has a lot going on. Way too many connections and making the bar on the Z go all the way over to the B, probably wasn't a good idea. Making bars stretch to connect to your end letter never looks good in my opinion. I would have just connected the Z with the O, and the M with the B. And as for the arrows, go look at other peoples arrows. So you can get a good idea of how their suppose to look. Keep up the work dude, your lettering is getting so much better.
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