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Toys post here...


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Edit: On another note, just because someone has loads of rep does not relfect their experience. I've seen people with loads of tic tacs and they have the toyest graffiti. And maybe show us some decent simples you've done, and we can give you our opinion. If people see you can do decent simples, then we would give you more advice on how to improve your piecing without saying 'do simples.' But IMO, that painted piece was toy, and wack 110%...

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look im not to fussed anymore, i was trying to get some help...ive taken some things away with me...i paint more characters than peices anyhow and was just trying to practice...


say what u want...if its something helpfull or whatever..


here is 1 simpler things i have done..



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Watch those proportions, man. That S is way too wide at the bottom to flow with the rest of it, and change the way the top of the S looks...that weird angled pointy thing throws it off.


either way you realize youre in paper chase right

theres a toy paint thread


That too.

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virtue, please quit trying to raise your post number by replying to everything people say. just agreeing and humping legs isn't going to help you seem cool.


Okay, did you ever think that maybe, I was trying to help re-iterate the key things being said, in order to help NVS up there? Or did you just spew that blasphemy out of your mouth?


I'm not trying to raise my post count; I could honestly care less about my post count. I was hoping, that in agreeing with him, NVS would get the point.

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I have said it before and will say it again, after having awful letter proportions the most toyest thing you can do is have an attitude that you think you stuff is great.


No ones stuff in here is great, most of it isn't even good, people try to run before they can walk, I have as much pride for my simples as I do for my more complex work, and if you don't keep going back to simples you will fail at progressing in your graf.


This is why the people who have managed to get out of this thread and actually get props in the sketch thread are the ones that have their simples down nice and solid, and there are not many of us that have made the jump to the sketch thread.

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hahahaha i retract my previous comment...

your opinion means shit 2 me...

ur just acting a fucking tool..


yeah i fucked maybe 1 or 2 bit (yeah the aarows)..

but the stuff u circled just shows me how much of a tool u are!


maybe post some of your stuff bro...


would love to see it?


you are trying to argue with one of the most consistent people in this thread, that hype piece was wack full stop, nothing in it is worth even commenting on, only thing I will say is your can control seems ok, but can control without letter structure doesn't mean shit.

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Ha ha ha, the smiley makes it like 2x funnier, ha ha!








Virtue, on the Hale, space the letters out more and don't have them interacting so much, it just looks to crushed up and confused, although I have seen that style pulled off quite nicely in the 90s.


Awso, just leave any crazy letter development out of your pieces while you focus on simple letter structure


You will get 100% more respect from writers for being able to rock a solid simple over a half assed piece, this will never change, you need to actually learn the rules of graf and master them before you can start breaking them

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Virtue, on the Hale, space the letters out more and don't have them interacting so much, it just looks to crushed up and confused, although I have seen that style pulled off quite nicely in the 90s.


You will get 100% more respect from writers for being able to rock a solid simple over a half assed piece, this will never change, you need to actually learn the rules of graf and master them before you can start breaking them


Thanks, Decy. I'll re-do it later after I do some simples.

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This is my first piece in a LONG while.. Random pen freestyle. I was hella bored in psychology class... couldn't fit the Y on the paper. Haha. Crits :3? I think i shoulda made the P and S bigger, cause they look super small compared to the rest. But other than that, CRIT ME!!! ;D

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DONALD: i always dig your stuff.

like you said about the P and the S, they should have been bigger.

i'd space out the Y from the C a little more, it's kinda crammed in with the H too.


but looks dope nonetheless.


on another note


"Virtue has definitely earned your virtual respect"

damn dude haha, you've only been here bout a week.


keep it up.

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"Virtue has definitely earned your virtual respect"

damn dude haha, you've only been here bout a week.


keep it up.


Thanks, Service. I've got to give a hand to Decy; he's been giving me a bit of advice today, and I've got to say, he's a writer whom I look up to. Cheers, mate.





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