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a lot of comments on how the arrows don't fit, nothing about letter structure or color so far. Any crits on that stuff? I know the arrows don't look right, this is my first piece using arrows in 3 years...


your letters are tight bro, that L is fire, but listen to these cats, the arrows are hurt


oh yeah take that orange line out of the letter fills and its straight

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ok, so someone writes "edit" and he's pretty good. i want to write something that begins with "E". here's some other words i found. i don't want any repeat letters, and i'd like it to have a mix of letters that go either above or below the line. what you all think?












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haha yea man that is a good thread, I havent really drank anything but wine since christmas, and even then I only drank gin, and I have quit smoking Ruck, hard to fucking believe it but I have and I havent killed anyone yet


but I used to drink about one of those bottles of vodka every other night for a few months when I was drinkin heavily haha

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