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no hate but those qoutes lead me to believe your like 13 or something...and that you probably live in the burbs with your white family..i wouldnt write that shit near your graffitis my friend...








not trying to say your a wigger but thats EXACTLY what it looks like.

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advice on handstyles please?

advice on how to move on from simples to extensions please?


I'm lost, nobody around to mentor me.


the best thing you can do with handstyles and anything else is to practice.practice practice

practice.fill notebooks with your shit.look at how other cats do their shit and learn from them.first off i would learn how to hold the marker better.the lines arent consistent and are thick in the wrong places.like on the top of the lower s and on the b.i think for now you should just keep the lines the same thickness.maybe go with a round tip marker instead of a chiseled on for now..idk tho.on the top S lose that extention on the bottom leg that turns back into the letter and shorten the extenstion on the top. the E is just god awful ugly and you should just scrap the whole thing and start over with that letter entirely.the R would look better if you connected the top of the r to the main bar of the r instead of having all that space in between it.and make the B on the bottom match the R.right now they look like their from two totally different scrypts.

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advice on handstyles please?

advice on how to move on from simples to extensions please?


I'm lost, nobody around to mentor me.



okay brah, handstyles need to flow, since ur just beginning and many people are gunna say ur shit is wack, it is the perfect opportunity to see other handstyles and try to develop ur own from them.


U need to have mastered the simple before moving on into extensions and all that fancy shit.

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