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Originally posted by silentscope12345@Mar 13 2006, 05:00 PM

Hey, I just wanted to post my tag and get some tips on how to make it look better. I created my own topic but I was told I shouldn't do that so ill post here instead.


Here is the link to my old tag which looked like s**t.




I came up with this new tag today and it looks a little better, not great though. Kind of ran out of room at the end. I write Soldier by the way, because im joining the Army Corps in a few years.





Sorry, i don't visit the toy section often, but all I have to say... Jesus christ!


But on a serious note, I remember when I was that bad, some advice: make your letters have even width and hight, kinda like the letters that i'm typing. If your going for tags, don't try to tweak the letter sizes, unless you've been writing for a good 2-3 years. For now, stick to writing simple and even letters, don't try to go through the nine yards. One of the best suggestions I have for you to improve the letters, work on your handwriting skills (Or try a COMPLETELY different handwriting for your alphabet) , try to understand the basis of each letter, and the the more flow your handwriting has, the better. Trust me, this will have a GREAT impact on your letters. But don't overdo your letters, keep them as simple as the font text that i'm typing as we speak. Heres a little tip, look around in some of the sketch threads, bite what you see, and BITE BITE BITE BITE BITE BITE BITE... As a toy, this is the best time for you to improve on your skills. I remember I sucked for almost two years because i wanted to be original... So I didn't bother to be simple, and I just went crazy. After the first year of writing you should be a little more decent. But for me, It just wasnt clicking for me. I tried so hard I almost gave up... And then one day, it just clicked for me! Just keep practicing.





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Ok well I pretty much bit off of a graffiti font for this 1. But here is what I got. The colors are Green in the middle, then Black then Blue, because I know its kinda hard to tell. I also have a couple fonts that im gonna use to make a tag, ill post my new tags tommorow.

But here is what I came up with. First time ive ever drew all this and colored it in.



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the biggest peice of advice i can give you is that you should change your name. Soldier is a the biggest poser name i've ever heard. unless you really consider your self a soldier, and you kill people. lol other than that. i would change it to something that you have been called before. a nickname or sumthing. i once had a friend that was called papa-smurf by his mom as a kid, so he strated out writing Smurf. worked out fro him. he has since changed his name but you get the idea. i think others will agree with me here..

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Originally posted by BenMadeThis@Mar 13 2006, 10:34 PM

the biggest peice of advice i can give you is that you should change your name. Soldier is a the biggest poser name i've ever heard. unless you really consider your self a soldier, and you kill people. lol other than that. i would change it to something that you have been called before. a nickname or sumthing. i once had a friend that was called papa-smurf by his mom as a kid, so he strated out writing Smurf. worked out fro him. he has since changed his name but you get the idea. i think others will agree with me here..


I know it sounds like a name a 12-year old would make but if you read above I said why I chose the name. In a couple years im joining the army reserves and then going into the United States Army full-time. I would rather not change the name because it acually means something to me.

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Originally posted by Rend@Mar 13 2006, 05:59 PM

okay so i got a toy question. why are german outlines so rad to everyone. wuts really makes them that good?

LoL I would like to know the same thing... Group comformity?!


BtW Here are some flicks..

graffiti001.jpg Artsy


graffiti.jpgGinJer (sorry the r looks like an A i know)



graffiti002.jpg Dallen


The last 2 was for friends..


Input :king:

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Originally posted by silentscope12345@Mar 13 2006, 05:48 PM

Acually another name I could write would be Army Of 1. It also has to do with the Army Corps. Which is less lame?

Soldier or Army of 1?


Dude, if you're planning on working for the gov't, you gotta keep your writing a secret. Once you're in the Army, you rights as a citizen get reduced. Not only do you have to abide by the Constitution, national and state laws, but the laws of the gov't i.e. the Uniformed Code of Military Justice. It's fine to write Soldier if you're a li'l gang banger, but if you're thinking of making a career in the military, keep your writing far from it. Blackbooks and sketches, keep private. Don't show your brothers in arms a thing. The military rewards snitches.

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Originally posted by silentscope12345@Mar 13 2006, 10:48 PM

Acually another name I could write would be Army Of 1. It also has to do with the Army Corps. Which is less lame?

Soldier or Army of 1?


i think just plane ARMY would be better than either of those, but i'm pretty sure there already is a ARMY. you should do something like ArmyOne instead of army of one. sounds and looks better. but do whatever man. If it means something to you, do what you must. it's all good as long as your painting for the right reasons.

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For the army thing, I was formerly part of JROTC, personally, I think army life is something I wouldn't do for more than 2-3 years. And whatever The Seep said, is totally correct. As for the soldier piece, thats a very good start for a begginer, normally people go all out and crazy about it. As for writing army of one... Well... :haha: <----- thats going to be the mentality of most writers when they come across a name like that in a wall. I'm thinking about making a little tut on how to write...

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Originally posted by Rend@Mar 13 2006, 05:59 PM

okay so i got a toy question. why are german outlines so rad to everyone. wuts really makes them that good?



it is a precise cap. some people say it is like a NY thin but better due to the way it is shaped, less harsh on the finger u are using to spray with meaning u can control it more easily. idk, it really is based off of personal preference. I like using stock caps but when those get clogged, i either put on a NY thing or a german outline. But starting with the stocks first is a good idea. Learn how to use those first. Just like how u should start with cheap cans rather than montana's.

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