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Originally posted by factotum@Feb 14 2006, 08:21 PM

yeah 83, i know how to use the search, in fact i spent the better part of a year and a half looking online for another stale and only recently found that one who is for one, in texas - very far from me, and two, has a completely different style. .. regardless, he's more up than me, and has more skill so if he personally has a problem with it, he should pm me, otherwise i don't care to hear about it from you. but thanks anyway.


yah yah yah.. actually we(myself and stale) were giggling like japanese schoolgirls about it yesterday. who cares if texas is very far from you..why would you want a nam someone is already using and getting out there already? makes no sense to me....

since your obviously just getting going..why not pick something else? blah blah blahhhhhhhh

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keep doing what ya doin freak great prgression shown from these older sketches shows uve improved a hella lot


flux im liking ya steexe keep on going bro


stale forget about it ya style is clean and i think its sticking !

oh and bait just how many books have you filled now with sketches etc just outta intrest!


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yeah, i'm not too worried about it. honestly, i will probably change it eventually, because i don't like writing five letters.. it's a name i've been using for various non-graffitti things for 9 or so years so i guess i'm kind of attached to it. once i get my shit together, i'll switch it out but for now imma stick with it.

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i dont really like writing in sketch books cuz of u cant write flatly and im left handed and the prongs or lifted pages mess up my hand etc.... and if u mess up etc.. you gotta rip the pages out and stuff. I just write on diff papers and put it in binder with sheet protecters. does anyone else do that?

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what you getting pissed ath im for.,..he has a good 3d style, very clean and hes posting in the toy forum so i think its really good for toy shit...his photoshop skills are great nad his sense of leter structure also is well deserving of appreciation...


so i say back off him...lots of people love 3d and lots do it...it does take skill, unlike what some seem to think...yeah its only to make it look "cooler" but arn't all peices just to look "cool"?

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guide...looks great...id just use a different color than that dark green...maybe try a 3d next time...ill draw up a 3d for that peice in paint nad come back with it for you...


ok heres a basic sketch of what a nice 3d would be on that...try just doing it in white with a lbvakc outline and black 3d...itll look nice trust me...untitled27aa.th.png


then you can start to add smoothness, style, and flavor to your work and it'll never be ugly as long as you keep it to a low degree and realise what looks good and what does not

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never really bother that much banging 3d on my sketches but will do in future as i get asked alot


guide looking good again buzzing coulours would bring that out and some 3D aswell


yank go simpler and cleaner cant read one letter in them lines !


and to the throw further up dope amsak !!!!


and BAIT bump for THIS!!!



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