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  1. + SHOOT ME AN EMAIL... Quoted post [/b] can i just shoot you instead? :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2:
  2. 2 thumbs up on those black vans. yessirreee
  3. yah yah yah.. actually we(myself and stale) were giggling like japanese schoolgirls about it yesterday. who cares if texas is very far from you..why would you want a nam someone is already using and getting out there already? makes no sense to me.... since your obviously just getting going..why not pick something else? blah blah blahhhhhhhh
  4. id try a different word than stale.. thats what i think of it. OOOOOPS...
  5. oooops. im a day behind. haha
  6. el queazy for boston. and im about to draw up a crayloa piece so add me on the list mane.
  7. well..i was just lookin at the thread and decided to crank this shit out with the quickness before i missed out. ok so i just looked up and realized its closed. can i be in anyway? i mean..theres the drawing done and all..haha
  8. vatoe mania...haha. fuckin nice. anyone who wants some stickers i have a lot to trade. hurry up! im about to be on the road in a couple weeks or so and your stickers are coming with me if i get em before i go.
  9. man if youre asking where to rack then you probably shouldnt do it or youre gonna end up in the slammer... and being caught on tape is only a concern if you get busted. have fun.. now for the real reason i came in here: anyone who wants some stickers i have a lot to trade. hurry up! im about to be on the road in a couple weeks or so and your stickers are coming with me if i get em before i go.
  10. i kind of forgot about the anchor thing i wanted to do... anyone still into that? color piece..due on 10th? anyone? there you go for ohio also while im at it
  11. wow i won. go team awesome.... how about piecing the word anchor? anyone?
  12. well you know.. i wasnt really gonna spend money on it. ;)
  13. i somehow forgot 3 things i wanted to add on there once i started drawing it..fuc it. that was my first time using prismas..haha. and i must say im neevr using cheap markers again. now i just need soem grays and one of those blender things. oh yeah.
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