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ok. i need help, and this probably sounds extremely dumb.


i'm tryin to link this photography site banner in my signature, and it wont fuckin work. I did the whole A href=web site and the src=img link shit, and it doesnt work. It works on myspace, but not on here..


if anyone has two minutes, could u help me out?

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sugar, it doesn'r work that way here. what you need to do is that little ubb code...steal the banner and upload it to your photobucket account and take the ubb code....you know what to do. i don't think linking from a banner is allowed here anyway...


watcher: i make references to 'normal' people as users. just your average joe schmoe who doesn't care how it works as long as it does work...you know the type.


i like sys mech, don't get me wrong, but if you know what you're doing and know where the right tools are, there is no need for it.


pffffft: astalavista.com search. it's spysweeper 3.2 i still say it's not any better or worse. apparently i had no spyware whatsoever on my computer (thanks to spybot) :p



mikro: yeah, i hear ya. quality versus quantity (of pay) is always called for.

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Originally posted by Pfffffffffft@Nov 11 2004, 02:04 AM

i DLed spy sweeper 30 day trial...this program is the shit and DOES beat out all other spy remover programs..i want the full version...and help with that?? :idea:

i got mine from suprnova.org (just go to Apps -> Windows) ... (you need the Bit Torrent client if you don't already have it: bittornado.com (this is an improved version of the original client)).... the one i got from suprnova came with a serial #. that's all you need to make it a full version.

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Originally posted by casekonly+Nov 10 2004, 05:51 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (casekonly - Nov 10 2004, 05:51 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-<KEY3>@Nov 10 2004, 04:17 PM

< merged >


I've been on firefox for ages now and it's good to get the full release.

I'm thinking of rocking thunderbird for the email client.


indeed. i have been using it for the past 7 months or so and it's got to be, by far, the best browser so far. haven't tried thunderbird, but i was thinking of using it for my gmail account.


so much software to test.....


i've never used any other browser besides IE... well i used Netscape way back in the day, but never liked it. what makes firefox so much better?

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thanks pfffffft. not sure what to say other than that. i'm not good with receiving compliments.



now, we get down to business.




it's pretty important to be secure. spyware is the least of your problems on the internet, trust me.


first off, i'll tell you what i did and continue to do. my computer is set up with windows 2000 pro. i registered under a false name. have all the latest encryption 'patches' released by microcrap, openssl, steganos internet anonymizer (as my proxy program), i use false names when signing up for email accounts, i also have a false emial account for spam (although i try and keep my shit to a minimum, sometimes there's a website that requests an email addy to get password or whatever), i do alot to maintain my privacy online and off. there's more, you just don't need to know about it.



what is a proxy server?

A server that sits between a client application, such as a Web browser, and a real server. It intercepts all requests to the real server to see if it can fulfill the requests itself. If not, it forwards the request to the real server.


Proxy servers have two main purposes:

# Improve Performance: Proxy servers can dramatically improve performance for groups of users. This is because it saves the results of all requests for a certain amount of time. Consider the case where both user X and user Y access the World Wide Web through a proxy server. First user X requests a certain Web page, which we'll call Page 1. Sometime later, user Y requests the same page. Instead of forwarding the request to the Web server where Page 1 resides, which can be a time-consuming operation, the proxy server simply returns the Page 1 that it already fetched for user X. Since the proxy server is often on the same network as the user, this is a much faster operation. Real proxy servers support hundreds or thousands of users. The major online services such as Compuserve and America Online, for example, employ an array of proxy servers.

# Filter Requests: Proxy servers can also be used to filter requests. For example, a company might use a proxy server to prevent its employees from accessing a specific set of Web sites.



so, how can it help you? the simple answer is that it can keep your ass anonymous.


there are tons of good proxy server programs out there. steganos, the one i use is available via kazaa, shareaza, as a torrent...whatever. it's simple and effective. in fact, they make tons of good security based programs.


however, if you haev an old version of firefox....

you can get switchproxy




the instructions on how to install and use switch proxy are on the download page.


i went over alot of stuff in the opimization thread that i won't repeat here, but alot of that stuff is good for keeping your shit secure.


so, here's a special bonus HERE



and one more HERE


What I'm Really Pointing you at....



i'm gonna stop and go eat. i'll continue with a little more in depth information and get a little nerdy in awhile.


have fun with those links.

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Guest mikro137

casek you prick , you sold me enough to try firefox again , and , guess what...























i fucking love it. look i got my fucking name back because of it.

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Hey you guys should try this out:




My computer was soooo fast before my trial ran out. :(


Here's some resources and stuffz...







of course...












Cyberpunks mail list?


....send a message with the command SUBSCRIBE in the body...



Ok that should keep you guys busy for a while.

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Originally posted by Pfffffffffft@Nov 14 2004, 05:40 PM



i have windows xp..


under my user accounts..i have the main one which is mine, a guest account and another account that says asp.net...


i didnt create this last account, its just there...do you have any idea on what it is??




hey did you install sp2? and asp.net is for web hosting and such, running any servers or web sites from your computer?


thats microsofts windows registry change download it and it should elimate the account though i dont know why it would be there in the first place.

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Originally posted by Milton@Nov 14 2004, 07:32 PM

I have a computer question, sort of...


I'm trying to make bingo cards for a fun game. I have a list of names and I want to somehow put the names randomly into squares on the board, except of course for the middle space. How do I do it?

what language are you programming the game in?



also, i don't know what the big hype over Firefox is all about. i tried it and disliked it immensely. yeah, it's safer because it doesn't allow any Active X scripts to run, therefore cutting down on the amount of spyware you might receive, and there are a few cosmetic advantages like tabbed windows and such, but i discovered that almost any site i tried to go to that had a flash movie (and other embedded movies) wouldn't display right. there would be this box with an icon saying "to download plugin click here"... and when i tried it would just come back with an error of some sort. meanwhile IE displayed the same site perfectly. also, some webpages that i made with some MacGyver-type html that displayed mouseover menus wouldn't work with firefox either. so i think i'll stick to my IE, and just continue to clean my system with spyware removal programs.



also, in terms of port blocking, i hear ProtoWall is an excellent program that actually uses the windows driver that handles all incoming data to block certain ip addresses. however, it wouldn't work for me when i tried, so i use Peerguardian (which casek already provided a link to (the meth-labs one)) ...



tonight i get to go home and install my new motherboard and processor....... shibby.

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no prob. with others like herbivore, mikro, dirtyhabit, and the rest of the computer geeks floating around here, this should be a great thread.


when i start talking about firewalls, etc. i'll make sure to put a big section on portscans, how to do them, how to keep them from happening, etc. this will eventually make 'sticky' status once a mod figures out it's info that everyone needs.


you need to go to http://www.methlabs.org and get peerguardian. that way you can see if it's an agency that is scanning you or just your local internet provider tossing garble at ya. (it's really not garble)


anyhow, i've been waiting on the info i provided to kinda soak in before going buckwild....maybe tonight or this afternoon, i can start in on some of this.

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Milton, if you're doing it in Visual Basic (which i assume would be the best language to program a visual game like the one you described) then i could definitely help you. hell, i'd even make it for you if you want, i love using Visual Basic. i could try to help you if you're doing it in C++ or Java, but can't promise anything. i went to school for programming for 5 years and still don't know jack shit ...

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Sorry guys, I wasn't very clear

I'm trying to make and print out physical bingo cards... Let me explain the game to you for kicks... Its called asshole bingo.


People buy bingo cards for a dollar with peoples names in all the spaces, then when the people raise their hand and ask questions or make comments in class you check off the spaces. When you get a row, you raise your hand and ask a question with a specific word in it to let everyone know you've won, and then, you win the pool... Its ton's o' fun but making the cards in MS word is tedious...

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