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  1. in an interesting turn of events , hotmail has finally done the long awaited upgrade to the storage limits on mailboxes. although not the gigs worth that you get with gmail , 250 megs is hella huge in comparison to the 2 megs previous.
  2. hahahahaha dude , im trying to get a "rep" nigga! hahaha and broke ass machines = no rep! much like doing tags in sharpies under rocks in the woods (wooooo graffiti refrence like whoa) andyway , i of course dont tell these fools that im installing pirated software , but chose the "well , if you want your computer to work for more than 15 minutes , you will listen to what i have to say approach" that usually downplays any concerns about illicit software issues. im still not sold on firefox or mozilla , i dunno maybe its akin to liking coke or pepsi? i like coke , but that doesnt mean i havent fucked with pepsi ;) hahahaha oh and dont worry im sure me and old dhabz will be right here talking down to people and making them fell dumb about their technology prowess , as per our usual (hahahah j/k) word up on this thread btw
  3. this is such bullshit me and dirty habit tried to get this idea kicked off months ago , but apparently mah nigga casek is that dude , so fuck it. hahaha anyway , heres my whole veiw on the internet browser subject.... pound for pound dollar for dollar (of course not spent by me ever) opera is the best browser i have used thus far. ive used everything except thunderbird. the only issue i have is with compatibility to very certain sites (which im almost certain you can adjust within operas prefrences) but since ive started using it almost 3 years ago , my computer hasnt been clobbered by all of those nasty things that make things a nightmare. in fact i endorse it so much that i recomend it to clients on a regular basis as a way to prevent me from paying them house calls every 3 months (which maybe i shouuldnt have done ;) ) but alas , yes , download and find a reg key for it , its a sure bet. xo mikro137
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