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he still is a douche...


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it's pretty clear to the heads that are interested in

politics here that kerry isn't exactly mr. wowy-wow pants,

so thanks for the big heads up on that one...

it's also very clear that bush is unchallengably

the biggest fucktard on earth.



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Originally posted by seeking

"The Allies - for the first time in NATO's history - invoked Article 5 of the Washington Treaty, which states that an armed attack against one or more NATO member country will be considered an attack against all."


try harder next time


but very few actually followed through with what they were obligated to...and then still withdrew early. the united states has long been the 'world's police' and have been shit on for it. but it has also been the democrats (namely clinton) that have tried for fulfill this role all pussified with half-assed military efforts that have put our heads on the chopping block. republicans are simply attempting to restore the military might we have forever enjoyed. were it not for whiny ass democrats, shit could have been handled in days and life would've gone on as regularly scheduled. however, trying to play the pc role has fucked that agenda and given y'all something else to bitch about. a little part of me actually hopes kerry gets his bitch ass elected just so that everyone can see that in a time of crisis, americans are in general not tough enough to buck up to crazed, militant, psycho ways of handling business.

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Guest imported_Tesseract

You're straight up retarded homie, i'd like to see you having this conversation with people from aboards. I for one, wont.

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bitching about the rich getting richer is fucking played


this is like saying AIDS is a played issue.



you will never be a lawyer if this is the best way you can frame and argument. Because you are tired of an issue you don't care about in no way excuses you from not being able to actually justify your argument. So far most of what your saying is opinion; and it sounds like second hand rhetoric. And that's the most dangerous thing going for the voting population.

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pretty much all i've heard is everyone jumping on with seeking bringing no real arguments back.


give me a jury...guarantee nothing beyond a reasonable doubt has been proven (on either side) which equates to a hung jury which in turn equates to my client getting off.


just because seeks is a mod/democrat and i have less than a bajillion posts doesn't automatically make me the intellectual underdog...

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Originally posted by nomadawhat

^no, just your blind support of bush does.


my blind support of Bush?

But I'm a Canadian... and a lefty one at that!!!




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hahaha freeze, none of what you are arguing is about Kerry, you lost to seeking, all your facts are followed by (i could be wrong) and sound like hearsay.


Bush is denying the right to live to thousands if not millions of people that could bennifit from stem cell treatment, and if a reason to go to iraq was to "free the people" he would focus a little on the AIDS, famine, civil wars in africa as well.


It seems like Bush will dive right into a issue if he can get something in return.


Reasons why Bush will not have my vote.

-Denying Stem cell reaserch

-Discrimminating same sex marriges, and trying to amend it into the constitution.

-How he uses his religeion to get votes, and run the country.

-His ties with Big buisness

-The deficit

-He hasnt done anything good...at all in my eyes.

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your use of playboy is inspirational;the way you cajole me into bliss. State some less than factual ideas then call me playboy like we peoples and I should feel like you got my back and are str8ening me out. Dam we need more big government that can look out for me as you are.




Im a PLAYBOY. god dam im a winner all day.

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Originally posted by freeze

give me a jury...guarantee nothing beyond a reasonable doubt has been proven (on either side) which equates to a hung jury which in turn equates to my client getting off.


wait, so in order for you to win, we have to completely reverse the roles (i am the defendent here, remember), we have to PRETEND that nothing has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, in order to get a 'hung jury', so that you can win?

ookkkkkkkkkkkkk. if we pretended you were also a bird, then we could pretend you could fly.


i gave intelligent, factual (when it was possible, theoretical when it was not - due to your completely fabricated accusations) evidence for my perspective, and in return you made a bunch of shit up. people aren't having my back because i'm a mod, they're having my back because you're a fucking joke. all the people that chimed in are people that regularly engage in political discussions on here. they all have a pretty good understanding of world politics, and none of them ever rely on michael moore in order to back their arguments. you however, are pulling some bill oreily shit. pretending all you have to do is invent ficticious scenarios where you're the king of the universe, and then your victory will fall into place. naaaaaawwwww gee!


i told you i'd go heads up with you on any topic you wanted, and so far i've debunked every single thing you've said. you have not given a single factually based argument of any kind. not one.


i've got an hour and 45 minutes left of work though, so for that time, i'm all yours. put up or shut up 'playboy'.

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Originally posted by seeking

people aren't having my back because i'm a mod,


most often people attack seeking because he's a mod.

It makes him an easy target.

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Originally posted by freeze

pretty much all i've heard is everyone jumping on with seeking bringing no real arguments back.


whatever dude.

you barely responded to the LIST of anti weapons proliferatins treaties dubya has gotten the u.s. out of.


how on earth do we expect countries like Iran to not even have a weapons program when we have no international consensus regarding our own?


we have shown that we have no moral high ground on any country in the world, displayed prominently by abu ghraib.


what is interesting to me, i have some sympathy for a conservative viewpoint.

it's confounding that republicans would allow themselves to be represented by someone who is so blind to current affairs in the world

and that a political party would get behind someone who uses God in their decision making process.


we have become a country run by a religious zealot.


and i have only been talking about his disastrous foreign policy record.


shall we start talking about the largest deficit in the history of this country?


what about education?

no child left behind turned into only a few children left behind, when those programs were never properly implemented and funds were withdrawn.



our country's horrible judicial system, which bush gloriously presided over in texas, where there was arecord number of executions during his tenure as governor..

we are incarcerating more and more people all the time.


what do you think about the patriot act? which basically revokes the bill of rights.

say what you want..but we can secretly investigate you.


again, this is where i come back.

bush isn't a republican, he's fucking evil.

if you wanna be conservative, fine, but this guy is planting money in h9is friend's pockets by starting a war and awarding his old pals the rebuilding contracts.


i don't care if they all swing from a bridge.


if america wants bush back again, you can have him.

i'll be laughing during the next terrorist attack, even if it kills me.

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how appropriate...


New 'Bushism' Born at Bill Signing


WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush offered up a new entry for his catalog of ``Bushisms'' on Thursday, declaring that his administration will ``never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people.''


Bush misspoke as he delivered a speech at the signing ceremony for a $417 billion defense spending bill.


``Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we,'' Bush said. ``They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.''





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as you said earlier, i can understand how people could be conservative, but i cant for the life of me understand why ANYONE would support bush. the guy is a complete fucking moron. people bitch about how democrats want bigger government and more control over the people, yet the republicans are steady being the party that actually impliments the control. it's like people are all on crazy pills.

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