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strangest/craziest thing you seen while bombing...


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yeah thats some weird shit i have a storie i was at my house one day and this dog come running up on my porch i thought it was goona bite me or sumthing so i ran and grabbed a baseball bat but the dog was chill and pretty nice so im like "well ill just walk this dog around and hit soem spots while im looking for its owner" so i walk this fucking 160 pound dog around lower east end for like 2 hours in the snow and slush then finnaly i see a spot i sneak over with this big ass dog and hit it up with a throwie and leave i keep going and i get to another spot i just get done with and outline and stand back to look at it when i hear teh door to the house behing me sqeak open i look back and the guy yells "Hey im calling the fucking cops!" i booked it the fuck out of there, dragging this big ass dog, dropped a one of my gloves and i get about 3 blocks from my hood and i hear the sirens and im running uphill dragging a dog as big as me i finnaly got back to my house tied teh dog up to my porch and went inside to change clothes(It was like my second time running from the law) and went back to look for my glove later but i didnt go to close to where i got caught slippin

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yeah thats some weird shit i have a storie i was at my house one day and this dog come running up on my porch i thought it was goona bite me or sumthing so i ran and grabbed a baseball bat but the dog was chill and pretty nice so im like "well ill just walk this dog around and hit soem spots while im looking for its owner" so i walk this fucking 160 pound dog around lower east end for like 2 hours in the snow and slush then finnaly i see a spot i sneak over with this big ass dog and hit it up with a throwie and leave i keep going and i get to another spot i just get done with and outline and stand back to look at it when i hear teh door to the house behing me sqeak open i look back and the guy yells "Hey im calling the fucking cops!" i booked it the fuck out of there, dragging this big ass dog, dropped a one of my gloves and i get about 3 blocks from my hood and i hear the sirens and im running uphill dragging a dog as big as me i finnaly got back to my house tied teh dog up to my porch and went inside to change clothes(It was like my second time running from the law) and went back to look for my glove later but i didnt go to close to where i got caught slippin



Wow..thats real crazy.

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Bombing, cops come, hella chase, 1 on foot, 1 in the car, hella chase, get caught, policewoman smashes my face into fukn hot hood of cop car, searches my bag and only finds paint, gets pissed off and hoofs me in the balls, cops drive out to some empty football field and chicks stomps on my nuts and both smack me around the face a lil then undo the cuffs and drive off. I head to the light, eventually figure out which highway i'm on and start the long ass walk home in pain. Pissed a solid stream of blood the next day. When I was fully %100 again I went back and bombed the same area I got done in, the streets around the cop shop and 2 cop cars.

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about 3/4 in the morning, me and my mate where looking for my mate (lets call him dan) who had just done a runner from the heat. So we walk through this pathway dimly lit, with like small hill mound things either side. we walk to the end of this path and on top of these mound things are trees, and we hear a noise, i turn round with my friend and we were like "dan, oi dan". And i saw some dark figure looking at us, and you know when you meet someone but you both dont know what to say, you get that awkward silence of whose gonna speak first? yeah well i had that with this person. well anyway after that bit of confusion he starts walking toward us with body laanguage kind of like he's not afraid of us, so this is why we think it's dan, but he's acting a bit strange i get a bit on edge. Well as he's walking in our direction we wait for him thinking its our boy, then next my phone starts ringing and its dan. so i freak out and walk off with the kid i'm with and i ansswer and i hear dan on the phone all like "where are you i'm behind the shops." Now the shops are a 5 minute walk from where i am now in this pathway with this wierd guy so i know this guy aint dan. me and my mate take a better look at this guy and his got some shreded face and ripped clothes. we just thought he was some drunk who'd been in a fight or fell over so we carry on to the shops. anyway for some reason it never occured to me to tell dan what i saw moments ago, and i dont till like a week later when we walk past this pathway just walking the dog one afternoon and i tell dan what i remember seeing and he's shocked and says, my dad's a fireman and he went to a car crash here once not long ago and said a man hit one of those trees and died, he carried the body out of the car and it matched the description of the guy i'd seen. i fukin melted when i heard him say that. i ring the kid i was with that night and say remember that bloke we thought was dan, well it was a ghost i reckon, hes all like, i dont remember, apparently, that night, all he remembers is everything before and after we walked through that pathway. fucking wierd..

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not uh graff story but me and the female are both writers we wer on xanax and she was horny no place to go its night about 11:00pm so were walkin by our old middle school and she says why dont we go sit in the middle of the field we go and i end up smashin her in the middle of the of the field

im catchin taggs on this fairly busy street uh car pulls up and im thinkin its uh cop so i walk off the car slowly drives towards me and its the homegirls mom (sorry k**en) she ask for directions so i proceed to tell her and she tells me hey why dont you hop in the car and drive me there i get in the drivers seat and she's like wen are you gonna take me out and im like im your duaghters friend and she's shruggs my comment off and ask me how old i am and i tell ** she says you like my tits and i say there nice and she grabs my hand and now im drivin with one hand grabbin her tits and she playin with my dick and she tells me pullover somewhere with privacy and i proceed to fuck her (im so sorry k**en) funny day felt akward everytime i would go to her house and smoke till this day her mom is allways treating me different she invites me everywere and says id be perfect for her duaghter

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Me and 2 others saw the same thing, but it was night. I pulled up to park semi close to where we would have entered this track side spot. When one dood got out on the passengers side. He said softly. Yo look at this. All 3 of us just stoud there watching this dood pounding this little slut mad hard. We stayed about 1 minute. I thought quick. If a cops rolls up in here to stop them from fucking. There gonna see my car and maybe pay more attention to it then normal. Plus I just dont want to be seen ever going anywhere.


So we bouced for a hour got some grub and went back. As I pulled into the small parking lot. They where just pulling out.


...pun intended?

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Painting a skate park spot, not legal but chill ass spot....



And lastly gay ass hipster artfag stencil Shepard Fairey/Banksy wanna be homos coming up trying to talk about real graffiti and letters with me and telling me they wanna start doing letters and branching out with their art and shit.


lol you shouldn't be critisizing people when you are hitting skateparks.

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1.) Saw a bum shooting up.


2.) Saw a bum climbing on those E-way signs, and circus-walking on the cement sound walls...pretty entertaining.


3.) Chased by old lady with broom


Definitely not INSANE SHIT CRAZY, but entertaining nonetheless.

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at like 3am i was lookin out for my boy while he painted some shit, as im chilllin on this dead ass streat, this fuckin tweaker walks out of nowhere and asks me for a cig. i didnt have one so he walks away. 10 seconds later he walks back to me and asks me for some change.... so i gave him like the 7 cents in my pocket. he walks away again... then like 3o seconds later the fucker comes back and is like "actually you can have the money man, but you wouldnt happen to have a cig??" so im like no dude. then the crackhead just stays there standing next to me for like 5 minutes, creepin me the fuck out. than he asks me for the change again then walks away.




I don't know why, but thats the funniest thing i've read on here so far

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well ive been writin for a while but just started goin out at night cuz my parents got the AC in they room so they dont here shit from me comin in and out soo..


the first time im out i do a hollow and im with my boy and when im done this guy starts followin us soo i make the next left down this street and we keep on walkin and at the corner of the block we see the guy shirtless on the bike he sees us and he stops and sayss..

guy - ohh watsup

me - chillin

guy- werd anyyahh niggas need help or sum shit

me- nahh we gud

guy- ight homie


and he rides away on a squeaky ass bike


i went by my self one day walkin down the ave in broad daylight and im writin and these guys come out of no where and sayy yoo this lil nigga just tagged that shit and i start laughin ndd anotha time this black gurl all ghetto and shit says where the cops at too awwest yurr ass ndd i say i have a nice day miss


inoe these some borin ass stories but ohh well

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  • 2 weeks later...
strangest/craziest thing you seen while bombing... some 70-80 year old bitch out cutting bushes with a big ass sheers at 3 in the fuckin mornin. i nodded nd she nodded back, kept on cuttin...



Love times like this.


You're doing something strange...

They're doing something strange...


just nod in agreement that it's strange and keep it moving.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Bombing, ran into my psychologist haha awkward


When i still had to go to a psychologist, we spent our hour sessions talking about graff. I showed him 12oz, and all the beef goin' on. He'd also be like "I saw X writer on a mailbox, you know him?".

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