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dr. frink one

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when these guys r posting videos with super profesional quality exposeing there face they dont mind getting caught,they no its makeing the papers and even tv,paint companies pay there legal fees because there getting there name out there also with every case,and a few months in jail is a small price to pay for the lives these artists live,they get paid for there work,and get paid good...and all well deserved,msk brought graff to a new level,i been painting in ny for 14 years and never seen anything like them,keep up the good work mskings,and fuck all the haters,anyone that says you a sellout for makeing money from this game is just flapping there gums,you guys would paint a comisioned billboard for 2.50 if you where asked..rime,revok,hense,skrew,all the killas in one crew you cant go wrong


right on CAMP LO

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i no personally..as an artist...being arrested was proly one of the best things to happen to me...galleries and buyers with money eat that shit up...getting caught means 1 of 2 things...either your just really stupid..or your doing something big and its catching ALOT of attention...every time one of these guys gets caught.. everyone calls there homies and blah blah blah to talk about it...just helps out there "street cred" if you wanna call it...either way..always like these guys stuff..good shit..blah blah blah ..u no the rest..

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u foos cry more about them showing there faces then they do...who gives a fuck you guys aint helping the subject by pointing the shit out every 2 comments...and selling out..that what always happens when ur on top..next sumbody gonna find out sumbody does msk grafitti for them..!!r revok sleeps with his eyes open..u fuckin toysssss..get off there dicks..

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Guest sonny chiba
who the fuck wastes their time talking so much shit about msk, im not really a fan, except for rime and skrew, but seriously get a fuckin life dude, try painting or something, worked for these guys


suck an asshole,i dont like msk,just screw and rime,DERRRRRF

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