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you should get the hell off the computer and get some sleep..seriously.


i stayed up waaaay too late before i took mine, and only got a 20.




ps.- majority of the math section is geometry..so if ya don't know it.. just uh..guess through it like i did. the rest is cake-work.

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Originally posted by MrChupacabra

sorry bud, but telling us that doesn't make you cool at all. I could probably take the ACT right now in under 2 hours while stoned and get better then that.


If this is the test that Im thinking it is (im pretty sure)

then I took it half stoned/asleep and did it half assed

and got a 76.



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I can never sleep before big tests like that. I remember trying to sleep before the LSAT and thinking, I need to sleep... Shit I can't sleep I'm too nervous... I need to sleep... Etc...


Good Luck Buckaroo, Just relax and handle you're business...

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Originally posted by MrChupacabra

sorry bud, but telling us that doesn't make you cool at all. I could probably take the ACT right now in under 2 hours while stoned and get better then that.




Did I say it was a good score?? Not at all you dick. And by the way, I know many people who score much better in tests while they're stoned then when they're not stoned. And with alcohol it's the complete opposite. So shut the fuck up because I was just giving an example on how easy the test was you dumb bastard. Also I probably didn't even attempt at least 1/4 of the test because I couldn't concentrate.



*Edit: Fucking asshole.

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I don’t know what the ACT is, but I do know that the American education system is shit, and my mom’s education system (learning through pain, suffering, and fear) is infinitely superior. I bet I could get a 33 out of 36 on it without even trying. Well, in my prime, I could, anyway. It must be pretty easy if the average, small town American can get a 25 on it.

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