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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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man, this shit is hella dumb. all my fucking mp3s left in the shared folder for the computer network are gone cause someone in the house keeps installing stupid fucking programs that "enhance speed and block pop ups' but really give you lots on spam. fuck. shit sucks. fuck.

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Yo iquit, I get the feeling you don't like this light nigga.


That reminds me I have a story to tell!


Gather round.


Me and two of my friends were driving through the bad part of the city, this white dude is infront of us in his BMW blasting some shitty rap. We have to turn through this parking lot to gain access to this one way road. We're going through the parking lot and this group of blacks are walking through. So this kid rolls by and this black chick yells at him, WHITEBOY. So I'm thinking great here we go. So me and my friends drive by. And the chick goes, "Aw yeah, got some light niggas." At first I was like, what the hell. Then realized what she said and laughed my ass off.


Glik0/I aint eye-talion, just light skinned.

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"light niggas" :lol:


kind of reminds me of that movie "kids" where casper and that aids infected dude are calling each other niggas ... I was like "fuck everyones calling everyone niggas these days"


I just watched school of rock...for the record.. it was shitty .. but I liked it anyway if that makes any sense?

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Sup"ple, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Suppled; p. pr. & vb. n. Suppling.] 1. To make soft and pliant; to render flexible; as, to supple leather.


2. To make compliant, submissive, or obedient.




there ya go. leather can be supple.

supple = soft.

i should use that word more often.

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