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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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lets see ..whats been happening ..I bought fugees the score... it was $12 in a second hand store ( cd's here are normally 30 ) ... musically twas really good ... I got the feeling they put in all that guntalk and what not just to sell though ...meh ..


In other news I went to a friends 21st last night ... was kind of average...there were a couple highlights though ...


I was at the bar getting a juice and some random dude comes up to me and makes a funny noise like "cccccccccaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwww" .. I looked at him for a second then replied "caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww".. He then showed me a text msg in his phone that said something like "I'm sitting in my pad coked out with lesbians" and then went on to say "coke and leeeesssssssbbbbbiiiiiaaannnnnsssss ?! caaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" ... I said "lesbians ? caaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwww" I was being sarcastic but he thought I was serious .. he put his arm around me and started talking more ish ... I kind of shoved him of me..


Other highlight was my yeyo'ed friend talking over excitedly about this plan we have to dress up as ninja's and attack another friend of ours while he's on his way home from work ... you probably had to be there .. just imagine some dude in his early twenties talking with this really serious expression super hyped voice complete with sound effects and busting out into karate stances every two seconds ... "then we'll go to his house and get all stealth .. do fucking tumble rolls in his backyard smoke bombs all that ill shit .. fuck yeah.."

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That's pretty funny Bob.

It reminds me of something that people had done in my sister's uni. They had organized a "hits squad", and you would pay these guys to get all dressed up ninja like, armed with pies, to assault a person of your choice on the campus. I always thought the idea was great, imagining some random kid get back from class and all of these ninjas jumping out of the bushes, splattering him with cream and running off. :lol:


I'm off on holiday in 2 days, in Burgundy. Chilling by the pool and painting, getting drunk, eating righteous french countryside food.


Looking forward to it.

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I just had the best lunch since my wisdom teeth removal, though i might add. I'm always in a great mood after a good lunch.


Made a sandwich with :


Honey & Balsamic Vinegar Mustard


Fried Bacon


Melted Emmental.



What are your personal sandwiching adventures like ?

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Originally posted by Pinup

That's pretty funny Bob.

It reminds me of something that people had done in my sister's uni. They had organized a "hits squad", and you would pay these guys to get all dressed up ninja like, armed with pies, to assault a person of your choice on the campus. I always thought the idea was great, imagining some random kid get back from class and all of these ninjas jumping out of the bushes, splattering him with cream and running off. :lol:


Any idea that involves dressing up like a ninja is a great idea. I wish I had a ninja suit.


Why am I posting in this thread?? I'm not a knightbat! :shook:

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Your from Japan aren't you? I would of thought you could hire a ninja off the street over there .. I imagine them hanging out on street corners trying to get jobs like prostitutes....


Well maybe not .. but its a nice thought .. none the less I would of thought ninja suits wouldn't be too hard to find over there

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Dude. Rainy weather does no good. I was supposed to go hiking today but couldnt due to crap weather, then I was supposed to go to Liberty Science Center [yes, I am a dork.. but not really] but me and my boy slept too late. What a relaxing Sunday thou.. and weekend.


Hype is going to be in NYC Thursday... its going down [for anyone that know hype]. :D ;)

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NOT REALY, its got all these cool science things. like this tunnel thats pitch black and the only way out is if u keep ur left hand on the wall at all times or ull get lost...and like crazy bugged out science experiment things...a imax thearter..a lil aquarium type thing...its pretty cool when i was a kid...

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