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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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yo bats!


i feel like pure HELL

i went to a wedding last night and got trashed..

i must have drunk two bottles of bubblely myself.


i will post pictures tomorrow..i am too hungover to even do more than i have to.



nice flicks 8onus..

is that the same chic you have picutes of in the car with you?

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Originally posted by Pfffffffffft@Oct 8 2005, 05:34 PM

yo bats!


i feel like pure HELL

i went to a wedding last night and got trashed..

i must have drunk two bottles of bubblely myself.


i will post pictures tomorrow..i am too hungover to even do more than i have to.



nice flicks 8onus..

is that the same chic you have picutes of in the car with you?



drunken picture thread..yeah!

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and oh yeah, they finally brought up "alexis laree" from OVW... my heart is all pitter patter... :love4: im glad they put her on raw where she can actually breathe some life into the womans division...(since none of those other whores could carry a match to save there lives)... i think there gonna make her a heel though.... i love her anyway...

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Originally posted by cracksmoka@Oct 11 2005, 02:49 AM

and oh yeah, they finally brought up "alexis laree" from OVW... my heart is all pitter patter... :love4: im glad they put her on raw where she can actually breathe some life into the womans division...(since none of those other whores could carry a match to save there lives)... i think there gonna make her a heel though.... i love her anyway...


word. they need to keep her face so she and victoria can bring some credibility to the womens division. hell, victoria is a better wrestler than a lot of the guys on the roster *cough, John Cena, cough*

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i finally made it back,i should be going home in like a week,i already got a job waiting for me when i get back,doin a lil insurance adjusting,shit should be tight,i heard them cats make bank,anyway im still in bama tryin to do it big,but there aint much out here,nothing compared to new orleans


i almost scored those PBR nikes,decided not to,im not a big fan of RW&B colorways


casek,im in montgomery man


if ya'll only knew how much that hurricane fucked us over,shits ridiculous,i mean, my house didnt flood,but suffered a grip of wind damage,not only that but alot of good friends had to relocate,some temporarily,some permanent shit will never be the same


enough with the babbling,ya'll be cool and take care,i gotta handle business,i'll holla back

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yo for real...fuck this blue collar bullshit, i aint worked in over a week cause my dumbass boss is a fucking reject from planet cocksucker

im getting a job at a photo joint and not ritz camera, a real joint, i dont give a fuck if it pays less at least its a reliable paycheck and a chill ass gig.


fuck mother fuckers who talking shit cause im trying to go to corcran

Yes i want to goto a rich white boy artfag school

so i can get one of those rich white boy artfag degrees




thats it for now.





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not even 1...day was going great.

probally going to get a nice job at this camera store uptown, means i get free developing, as much film as i can rack and ill discounts


met with an admissions counsler at my choice school, transfering next fall looks very possible despite my record.


mother fuckers love to hate

other mother fuckers like to not call thier employees back

and my girl is kinda being a bitch right now...but thats another story.


actually shit is ill right now. studying for a quiz tomarrow. drinkin some machiatto type espresso shit my girl showed me how to make. smokin jacls........lovin it.

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CORCRAN its in DC, it is an artfag school, im going for photography, i aint one of these dudes whos trying to use graff to motivate, i was never a peicer, i bomb cause thats what im good at, there are however a shit load of toy ass artfag writers at this school. free lunch money?

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aight. i went in for a promotion and i felt i blazed the interview. every question they asked i answered like i wrote them... like god was wispering the answeres in my ear as i spoke, know what i mean? needless to say, they offered me the position, but they offered measly 10% raise and super shit hours to boot. i already know im going to take the position, any promotion is a good promotion, but that 10% only comes to about $46 more a week... thats weak (bad pun, i know).


i know i have a better job and better pay than grips of cats, but fuck that. i feel im worth more. what do the bats have to say about it? how can i go about asking for more money without jeopardizing the position? should i just ask bluntly or should i try being subtle about it.. or should i blaze the position for a bit and then try for a raise (they said i could get a raise in 6 months)? holler.

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naw run with it, keep your shit moving and in 6 months hit em up for the promotion.

if you got a good job dont fuck with it too much, or get too greddy, as i said above i am currently taking a lesser paying job for more relaibility and more satisfaction.

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true. i wouldnt give it a second thought otherwise... its a promotion, but the variables make it not so. i have a family that i am going to be loosing time with, and my two days off wont be next to eachother.. ill have sunday and wednesday off. i thought the pay increase would make it feel worth it, but now, i dont know.


i feel you on running with it, tho. you never know what up the road. good luck on your photogenics.

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