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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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Originally posted by iquit@Jan 24 2005, 02:54 AM

moving into an apartment that is a six floor walk up is a lot of fun, i recommend it to anyone who gets the chance. if you don't get the opportunity, you could just fill up a suitcase with books and magazines and walk up and down a flight of stairs all day to try to capture the same thrill. the best part is when your arms start to feel like these numb floppy useless pieces of shit so you end up putting more strain on your back until it feels like someone is sticking a fork directly into your spine!


really, you guys should try it.



HEY I USE TO DO THIS SHIT AT SCHOOL ALL THE DAMN TIME. My ass will take the stairs, because i was too impatient to wait for the elevator. I would have to go to the tenth floor at times, with a heavy ass backpack, now that shit sucks.

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My insane suitemate moved out tonight. I laughed on the inside as she mumbled "good riddins" behind my door as I blasted Bush Babee's Gravity album as loud as hell. By the way, what early 20s female says good riddens? A psychotic psuedo lesbian you say? Well then, you are corrrr-rect.


Im thinking of trying to move into her place tomorrow during my free time. I dont know if I have the $ to pay for it though, have to check it out.

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