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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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gats: does he have a christmas tree air freshner hanging from his pants?


edit: i like it tho...good colors, i dont like the hand holding the gun, the way the thumb twists around looks screwy. and are thre shadows on skin? or did you perpously not do em, i think the girl would look better with a midtone on the skin or just another darker tone where the lights not coming from.

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Haha yeh I see the xmas tree thing haha. Im going to get rid of that.


That isnt his thumb, its his pointer finger. You cant see his thumb cause its around the trigger area. I have to work on the skin cause i still have to add his tats in.


Thanks a lot for the feedback

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What up bats? my internet has been fucked up for the past few days (had a party and forgot to shut it off and some douche bags fucked it all up) anyway probably havent missed anything. I am amped for the prodo/get together. I just hope a bunch of herb non knightbat 12oz members show up that need to get some act right.

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Originally posted by Glik0@Jan 17 2005, 11:39 PM

And a final word about the painting more than you.


There are lots who do more than me, and lots who do less.


I just personally fell youre in the group of less.


But youre probably better. Who knows?


No beef. Dont sweat it.

So i kept editing this post, deciding if I wanted to post my shit and in the end i was all "fuck it, you-I'm too hip hop!"

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Im warning you, this is a rant.


Im so fucking sick of people not realizing that when Im in school, Im a busy person. Im sick of having to continously tell my friend (including my very close friends) that I cant talk as often, and that if they IM me I might not be there, and that I still value our friendship even if I dont call as much as usual. Im so SICK of people emailing me, calling me, IMing me sarcastically saying things like "Thanks for calling me/IMing me/emailing me back" because I put my away message up right after they IMed me. IM SO SICK of feeling GUILTY? because I dont have the time.


Fuck that shit. Im going to go put on some spiked leather accessories and punch my fist in the air to represent my aggro attitude at the moment.

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hip hop is so not it for me right now... i havent even been following it heavily for the last few years... i can honestly say i have never even heard 1 aesop rock or any def jux artists, with the exeption of elproducto when he was in in that group on rawkus,(what were they called again?) im also really hype about this wall, its legal right?? im on probation fam i aint tying to get knocked on some out of state stuff.... and gliks, i need to start painting more again myself... staying in is getting old, its just that working out in the cold half the day is draining as a mofo... all i wanna do at night is shower eat peep 12oz get layed sleep... in that order...

40's are stupid, hit a pebble and there fucked...

pffffttt... i have some doubles of old cans if your interested in trading... or pm me the list, i am a collector....

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so i'm at the spa, and as i'm getting ready to leave, this girl runs up to me and tells me, "hi, i'm so and so, i have heard wonderful things about your dick!" "excuse me!?" i ask back, "yeah, i know female name and she said you are dynamite in bed. <gives me her phone number> call me sometime."


she is a cute little 19 year old college student, now i want to call her and hook-up, but now, i feel pressured! FUCK!

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gooch, i am about to order the barbwire t-shirt in blue and maybe the stacked shirt. i usually wear an XL, put some companies i need a XXL, is the XL somewhat similar in size to say the 12oz XL's if you've seen or have one? and when is the new line gonna be up?


also, i finished putting up the stickers i had this weekend at a concert i was at and various other clubs. when i ran out i was already drunk as hell and started writing "www.oneseriousthreat.com" with a mop everywhere i could.


from what i can tell off the sketch, looks hot.


how was the CD, truthfully!

and umm, yeah, that's it, peace.

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good looks glik, and everybody... mi familia... you know what the time will be.... im gonna have a trunk full of paint so nobody be TOO stressed about not having enough, you can always cop a can or 2 off the kid<----

and gooch, how much would it cost to get knightbats t-shirts made up? get a head count on here and price out how much it would cost.... that would be the HOTTNESS!!! and on a side : i still like hip hop, ive just not been heavily into it like i used to be, as of late...COMPANY FLOW!!!thats it!!!

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