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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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Come on fellas..No fighting in the batcave.This is a peacefull sanctioned enviorment..Until we have to bust some buster ass niggas heads open with a blackjack or shank someone with a melted down barbie doll leg...yea motherfuckers..thats right...But on some real shit..Keep the peace peeps...

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so..i'm "on call" today for work, and had to check to see if they needed me in, and one of the managers asked me to work a THREE HOUR SHIFT because theyve been moving a lot of furniture and she said "yea, we really need you in to clean real good".




HI. I'm sugar, the pier1 janitor. Nice to meet u.



i've got an interview tomorrow at a spa downtown as a spa attenedant, and pray i get the position, cuz once i graduate i can move up to massage therapist.

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oh man, ive been havin the urge to skate lately. its always when theres snow and thick ice and fucking sand all over the place. but there is this bread factory we skate in nearby. doesnt help that i went getz on my board and cracked it in half tho :( . i should be gettin one second hand soon.


and why write, that is QUITE the improvement from what ive seen man, listen to the peeps here, they know wat they're talkin about. keep up the work.


yo glik, u get that flik yet? i'd like to have a look see. perhaps post it up herr?


and about this book, is it a KB book or sumthin? or just sumone's book that being sent around? i also heard there was more than one...i wouldnt mind havin it sent my way, i could get a few peeps. if kb only, i can get eyeforaneye.


SUMONE SHOULD FIX MY SCANNER FOR ME. any takers? :chicken:

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Originally posted by Pinup@Jan 12 2005, 09:54 PM

i'm sweating






I was two seconds away from posting this EXACT comment in the "vote for whip it" thread.. I then opened thia thread and BAM.. There it was..


NOt only was i thinking it but i said it out loud to myself when i was watching some documentary about a water dam.


I have had too much ginger ale. i gotta go to sleep..

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Cut my hair again. It looks like ass. Oh well.


Ran into this dude on myspace I used to see I think at the beginning of last year around my college. I used to grill his ass cause hes a very good looking young...well... older man. Anyway, I just realized I think he was someone that I didnt realize he was the whole time. Oh well. I'll leave him nameless, but if you know pratt grads/kids who went to pratt that are kinda known then you know who Im speaking of.



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