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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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Goocher: I actually learned how to write press releases from the AFL-CIO (long story). The essence of it is to write something concise, clear, well-written, and informative. Make sure to include contact information. If middle aged hispanic women from the ghetto can do it, so can you. Just read a few press releases on random websites and you'll get the knack for it.

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yo yo yo.


happy new years bats.


i slept through new years. worked for 30 hours straight. thursday 9AM to friday 4PM. got out of work. had dinner with my girl. was asleep before midnight. fucking great.


i'm still alive. working like CRAZY. i've bever worked so much in my life putting this showroom together. crazy all nighters. cracking the whip on my team, trying to get shit done. shit is looking fresh tho. still doing finishing touches, although the show has already started. WAL-MART US comes in on saturday, so that really the big day.


all you bitches complaining about SCHOOLWORK can eat a dick.




enough about that bulshit. fucking work...


i found a new crib in HK. fucking private rooftop! hell yes, big time barbecue action coming up. not too mention a nice place to burn some canvases if i get the urge. the crib is a nice 2 bedroom. pretty sweet. i move in feb 1. the dumpling is having fun looking at all the shit she wants me to spend my hard earned cash on to pimp the place out.


"oh me rikey frat screen terrorvision!!"


i'm so mean.


i am so fucking tired. i had sex with my girl last night for the first time in over a week. when you're too tired to fuck, that is a bad sign.


booking my flight for 3 weeks of work in new york in feb. mandatory tri state area ^o^ party.

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Good evening bat gang. What is everyone up to? I, myself am bored. i think i'm going to watch a dvd, but i don't know what to watch. <looks through dvd's> i think i am going to watch "The Girl Next Door. The Unrated Version." i have had it for a few months and still have never seen it. well on dvd, i first saw it in whilie it was still at the theater.

Elisha Cuthbert is sooo dreamy... :love2:

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Sorry guys.....

Id add my two cents but it would just prolong the bullshit.


So, hows everyone's day so far? I keep going to be at 430 and waking up at 12-1230 like a lazy bitch. Im kinda pissed at myself cause my vacation is running up and I have barely anything to show for it.

I seriously need like a bootcamp instructor yelling in my ear as I do work. Haha.

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