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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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:haha: :haha: :haha: beef fried rice...........


ive worked with some born agains... there the most hypocritical selfish twofaced lowlifes ive ever met.... they are VERY pushy in trying to get people to beleive there neonazi-esque christian rederick, and more likely than not they dont practice a 10th of what they try to brainwash you with everyday... im not even sure if THEY believe this garbage!!!!

700sum people are gonna dissapear off the face of the earth because there gods chosen few... with the snap of a finger?? and everyone ele is cursed to hell for eternity?? fuck that... gimmee some spongebobs reruns a spliff and some mrs. T's perogies and im cool yo, fuck some eternal salvation......

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my boss isn't like a total nazi style pushy born again christian. he's just an asshole, and i think he knows it. he was treating his wife like shit, (and his girlfriend), and i think he just started realizing that he needed something to guide him away from being a total piece of shit. it's hard to explain.... he's a weird guy, and the chinese are just weird to begin with.


yeah, we are usually on good terms. i just don't take his fucking attitude and sometimes he crosses the line and i stand up for myself. it's happened before. like i said, i'm not sure i want to stick with this job. so he needs to chill if he wants me to stay.


i've been saving 1/4 of my salary for the last 4 years since i got out of school. i've got plenty of skrill to sit on if i hit a rainy day... and sometimes i feel like i wouldn't mind the rain at all. bring it on. fuck this art director, professional, handin out business cards, industry bullshit.... fuck, i used to make plenty of money painting legal walls in brooklyn and selling weed to my friends. i know how to hustle and get paid. the goose will always be gettin by somehow.


it ain't that bad. it's got it's perks. all i'm sayin is the thought of losin this job doesn't scare me for a second. as a matter of fact, it would be a huge weight off my shoulders...


ahhh, whatever. it's just the busy season right now and everyone, including my boss and myself is stressed the fuck out. we'll see what happens...


and on another note...


my OTHER job....


i am all for a new ^o^ VP ^o^


i like the idea of cracksmoka for VP.


somehow i see gliko as more of a crazy sXe secret service dude, wearin a suit and rockin the little earpiece, packin heat and wearing cool shades.


but please note... VP is a BIG responsibility. as president, i'm pretty busy gettin my dick sucked, big willie clinton style. the VP really runs the show...


and crimson is definitely not holdin it down.

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gatita, deto, glik, or crack.


all put in serious time for the kb's


hmmm, i don't know. i'm too busy on grove street tag banging and robbing drug dealers and ballers to think clearly.



gooser, that sucks that your boss is a prick. you are a really talented dude, with the time clocked that you have in that field, i am sure you can land a better gig elsewhere.

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hey bats


i promise, i'll be back on the regular in this e-bitch


i had to deal with things in the real world these days....


and i vote for cracksmoka as VP. Honestly, i don't think DETO should be given political power. and gliko should be working in the real world, in the action and shit yo yo word uo ^kawmeannawmsayin. craskmoka yoooo ^O^


on another note, how many of you knoightbats have tried to do the knight bat symbol only to end up wit this ::




i know i havfe a 10000000 times.

and il durnlk

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fuck, i just got off of work...and i'm so exhausted, plus i have to be back in that bitch tomorrow at 7:30...mane, i can't wait for my vacation...homesweethome....illadelphia... ^:beat2:^

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Pinup, something about your post makes me think that it took a bit of time to press "submit" and while taking your time you were enjoying a nice alcoholic beverage.


Haha ;)


I enjoy my intern position. I get the best seat in the house (under the desk in the Oval Office).

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Originally posted by gatita@Nov 27 2004, 04:55 AM

Pinup, something about your post makes me think that it took a bit of time to press "submit" and while taking your time you were enjoying a nice alcoholic beverage.


Haha ;)


I enjoy my intern position. I get the best seat in the house (under the desk in the Oval Office).



hey hey...i'll be watching you gatita... :scowl:

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as i first stated, Glik0 would make a good vice president, he is a quality member of the KnightBat family, as is cracksmoka, but crack, is too green, but he is most def our rookie of the year, no doubt. but as i was saying, Glik0 has power in 12oz unlike any other Bat, even more stroke than our emperor/president gooosemanchu. if he don't want the position i am more than willing to step up to the plate for my KnigtBat brothers and sisters. i feel i have proven myself, as a very loyal knightbat, since page one. the deto name is synonimous with the shift six, lower case o, shift six. aka ^o^ so my fellow knightbats, vote for DETO KNIGHTBAT VP 2004.







this post has been paid for by the friends and supporters of DETO for VP 2004. ^o^

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we have ome good candidates...


deto- stay bringin the funk

crack smoka- rookie of the year...deffinantly hasnt been down long enough though

glik0- probably the biggest contributor to the knightbats (always making those crazy videos or gif's and what not)




my vote would deffinantly for glik0...

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