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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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Hey yo pinup, it is not customary to floss the outdated athletic wear on this day of thanks. Most people dress rather nicely.


My thanksgiving has been pretty low key except for the fact that my 3 year old cousin Andrew and my aunt Jill have been here for a week.


I swear that Andrew is the most spoiled little fucker on the planet. His parents never say "no" to him, so his universe revolves around him. He won't do anything unless he's being bribed.


When he arrived my mom and his mom (my aunt) went shopping for food at BJs or whatever. They came home with more food than I thought you could fit in a Volkswagen and half of it was atrocious junk food for Andrew. If anyone from the Northeast is up in here, that kid was eating marshmallow fluff out of the container with a big spoon (marshmallow fluff is like the paste equivalent of marshmallows. it's basically pure sugar and a little bit of gelatin, and goes well with grahm crackers or peanut butter). He has ultra sugary oatmeal for breakfast, kool-aid and "fruit snacks" (read: candy) whenever he gets hungry, and more sugar at every meal. Needless to say, he's super hyperactive.


He's also super loud and throws tantrums like 6 times a day. Whenever anyone says no to him, he flips out and starts screaming. If you even tell him to move out of the way, he yells.


On Monday night we all went out to our favourite Bar-B-Que restaurant for all-you-can-eat rib, chicken, salad, and potato night. He was sitting in his high chair coloring or whatever when the salad came. My mom started taking the vinegar off the table to free up the space when he started flailing and screaming "nooo, don't! mine!" like the vinegar container was some precious toy or whatever. He spent the rest of the night holding the vinegar like most people hold their newborns and cried when he got it on a cut on his hand.


Today I was cleaning up after our delicious Thanksgiving feast and had to put the marshmallow fluff away, as it was chilling out and taking up valuable counter space. As I moved it from the counter to the cabinet, it caught his eye. He started whining/screaming "I wan fwufff! I wan fwuff!"


I just said "No. You can't have it." and put it back in the cabinet.


At this point he starts yelling "Noooo! Don't!" After I closed the door, he yelled "Mommy! he sed no to me!" I didn't even know what to say to that other than "Fool, get used to it."


I'm sorry, but one of the most important sentences in parenting is "No," right up there with "I love you." When this kid grows up he's going to be just like his half-brother: failing out of two of the three classes he's taking in his fifth year of high school [his classes are Spanish 2, Algebra 2, part 2, and British Literature. I took Spanish 2 and Algebra 2 (Accelerated) in my freshman year and got good grades).


His mom, my aunt Jill, is a whole different story. Earlier today I was talking to my brother Allon about how tomorrow kicks off the huge consumerist orgy that we call Christmas and how we really don't like the Xmas music that gets played in every goddamned store. She jumps in with some shit about how we're just big scrooges and that we should just let people have their fun. I told her that I didn't dislike christmas as a holiday, I disliked the fact that it was commercialized to death. At this point she calmly says "Well, Christmas gifts and the whole Santa Claus thing was just invented by the Jewish owners of Macy's to make money off of Christians." Allon and I just looked at each other for a second, then I calmly explained that people give each other gifts because in the 16th century British people started giving each other gifts for the new year and the Anglican church made it into a religious thing by moving it to Christmas.


I want these people to leave.

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nekro, kid sounds like my cousins.


they ain't that bad, but they are definitely used to getting what they want. they're a little older now, and they turned out better than what i would have guessed.


also, the youngest of the four is autistic. the older brothers are actually doing a really good job taking care of him. im proud of the kids they've grown up a lot since he was born.


but i just don't understand some parents...


when a kid asks for something, and you say "no", and then the kid begs and throws tantrums and won't shut the fuck up, and then you give in, well... what the fuck do you think the kid is gonna do every time???


i know parenting isn't easy. but it just seems like if you stick to your guns in the beginning and make sure a kid understands that no means no, you can avoid a lot of bullshit.


little fuckers... i wonder if i'll make a good parent. like i said, i know it is hard as hell to raise kids. but i think some parents just need some fucking common sense.

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My whole family is crazy, it's ridiculous.


Case in point: my parents actually moved to Detroit in the 80s.


However, I have wicked amounts of respect for my parents. Both of them took extremely fucked up situations and sorted their shit out to make decent lives for themselves.


My dad's dad left when he was like 12 and moved from New Jersey to Hong Kong (wonk tiuqi). Between that and when he was in college, my dad got like 2 letters and 4 phone calls from him. Gradma wasn't any help either: she worked all day, then came home every night and went straight to her room. Pops was basically raised by his siblings, who both went to art school. He left home at 16, went to college and medical school, and didn't really look back.


My mom is pretty much amazing. Her parents were both alcoholic, and her dad was probably abusive. I don't know much about him other than that about every 8 months he would come home drunk and my grandmother would have to take my mom and her siblings to her sister's house. My mom had jobs outside the house starting when she was in middle school, and worked as a secretary for a couple years after graduated high school before going to junior college without any help from her parents. She continued on to get a degree in theater arts and management from University Of South Florida and was a few classes away from another degree when she moved to Detroit with my dad. She was a professional costume designer for a while at this indoor theme park in Atlanta. She's an alcoholic, but she's been sober for more than 25 years. I grew up chilling in the back of AA meetings.


My cousins are all shitheads though.

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The KnightBat Franchise cheking in:


hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving. mine was great, had great food and great company, sure as hell will not be eating any turkey for a long time...had a deep fried turkey on wedensday night, and traditional family dinner tonight/last night (depens on where you are and what you consider yesterday/today) anyway, hope you all had a happy and safe holiday. i better get t bed, it's been a looooooong 48 hours. off to la-la land...



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what's the deal with all these cats on 12oz reppin' the "^o^" in their sigs. all sorts of mutherfuckers have the knightbat symbol, but don't rep for shit, they don't even post up in the bat cave, onesecondple post up in here more than these cats, i think that president iquit, needs to update the kb roster and we need to see some heads roll in this bitch!


deto/reppin' kb to the fullest...


[/end rant]

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im to wierd anyways.......


was anyone else dissapointed a little with the sienfeld reunion thing last night???


alone again on a fridday night with 40's... and to think.. i didnt touch alchohol or weed for over 4 years ... oh well, soo much for that...

to quote george thoroughgood : you know when i drink alone... i prefer to be by myselffff............"

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yesterday my boss came into the design department in a REAL pissy mood. like, a splintery chopstick covered in chili sauce broken off in his asshole bad mood.


he ripped everything we were working on apart and...


he hurt my feelings.


^ :cry2: ^





i insulted him. and let's just say, things are not exactly good for me at work right now.


the lowdown....


my boss is a born again christian. he's a fucking sadistic douchebag who likes to cut his employess down, embarassing them and treating them like shit. but all he fucking talks about is asking the lord to guide him in making decisions. but something tells me the lord isn't telling him to say things to the staff like, "i don't care how long it will take you. get it done or you can go back to living in filth in the philipines like you were doing before i hired you!"


so yesterday when my boss said,"our design department sucks, and you're in charge of it."


i told him, "well maybe you need to ask the lord to help you find a new fucking art director then."


i stood up and walked out of the conference room that we were in and went back to my desk.


ahhhh... it felt very, VERY good.


he hasn't said a word to me since.


uh ohhhhhhhhhhhh.


it's kind of fun having a job that you aren't really sure you want anyway.


i got so much beef at work i could make beef fried rice to feed all of fucking china.


and i love it.




*edited for spelling "lord" incorrectly. now i'm definitely going to hell.

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