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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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So the yesterday I woke up with a bruise on my right ass cheek. I have no idea where it came from...I looked and there's no actual bruise, but my asscheek hurts. What the fuck. Fuckin ass punching ghosts.


Also, my wicked radical 1990 Ford Escort is fucked up. It just dies whenever it feels like it, then starts fucking acting nuts so I can't drive it anywhere, then it fucking works fine for a while.

So I have my step-bro the mechanic look at (Also had my step-dad look at it too) and it runs smooth as shit for them. So I drive around the block and it dies twice. Between my step dad & bro they must've drove it around the block at least 15 times and it didn't do shit.


I don't know shit about cars so I can't fix it, and it won't act up at all, so they don't what the problem is...



But whatever. How was the rest of the bats' weekends and monday?

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Originally posted by EyeforAnEYE

Hoepfully you won't get sick. So how much pron did you look at with the internet connection at your place


my girl practically lives with me so i dont get a lot of private time. i had to settle for real pussy. it sucked. who wants real sex when you can watch 2 girls suck off a guy and spit cum into each others mouths?

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Jeopardy Update!


uring the July 20TH episode of JEOPARDY!, Ken Jennings managed yet another victory (his 35TH). He collected $29,200, bringing his grand total to $1,164,660.


A rule change introduced in the Fall of 2003 lifted JEOPARDY!’s five-day win limit, allowing contestants the opportunity to continue earning winnings as long as they remain victorious. “When we changed the rule, we declared that the Sky’s the Limit for JEOPARDY! Champions, and boy, oh boy, has Ken certainly proven that true,” says JEOPARDY! host Alex Trebek.


The previous JEOPARDY! record-holder, Tom Walsh from Washington, D.C., a former policy advisor to the Senate Finance Committee, won seven shows and earned $184,900 in January 2004.

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i want to make a 12oz jeopardy thread. i'll be iquit trebek.


it'll be like this...


someone posts:

i'll take "12oz fashion police" for 100, iquit.





then i post:

this is the color your nipples turn after they've been nurpled, and according to DETO, it's the new pink!






then that same person posts:

what is WONK SAGGIN, iquit?






then i post:

nooo, soorry, sooorry....





then someone else posts:

what the fuck is purple, bitch???






then i post:

correct! we also would've accepted, "what is pizznurple?"





ok. i need some categories.

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