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recovery nutrtion:

did a quick 30 in the cold yesterday. did some intervals felt good, just doing the stuff to shed the winter weight. anyhow usually i get into the mode and eat good but after yesterdays ride i decided to NEGATE THE FUCK OUT OF MY RIDE!

25 wings


mozz sticks

2 beers

and an oreo


this place rules:


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Yeah that sucks. Why do you run 650 tubulars in the city?


Hah KMART, Even if I had the money for a sram red group/colnago build I still wouldn't. It would last less than a season before it was unrecognizable.


My history with bikes and annual income permits me to pick from the "cute like mike tyson" selection. Used Cervelo Soloists and BMC Road Racer frames.

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dude, any tubular on the street in a non race environment is "hipster fronting".


Hip-Ster noun SLANG


someone who rejects the established culture; advocates extreme liberalism in politics and lifestyle. usually rides a fronter cycle.



Front-ing Adj. SLANG

Perpetrating. faking the funk. acting the boss. toy as shit.

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Yeah that sucks. Why do you run 650 tubulars in the city?


Hah KMART, Even if I had the money for a sram red group/colnago build I still wouldn't. It would last less than a season before it was unrecognizable.


My history with bikes and annual income permits me to pick from the "cute like mike tyson" selection. Used Cervelo Soloists and BMC Road Racer frames.



why dont you have one of those then dude? those are good bikes. always a hustle. ALWAYS. you'll be happier on one. i swear.





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dude, any tubular on the street in a non race environment is "hipster fronting".


Hip-Ster noun SLANG


someone who rejects the established culture; advocates extreme liberalism in politics and lifestyle. usually rides a fronter cycle.



Front-ing Adj. SLANG

Perpetrating. faking the funk. acting the boss. toy as shit.


dude, your hipster definition more accurately describe the other "h" word, hippies. and tubulars in non-race environments? if they have spandex they're called 'freds', if they're over 45 they're called 'retro grouches' or just 'vintage bike enthusiasts' that remember a time when tubulars came stock on a lot more bikes. or maybe they just prefer the feel and don't go out buying racing tires like high end tufo for street/training rides. like i said, conti gatorskin sprinter, rugged tire.


and hipsters riding tubulars? maybe if they didn't realize that disc wheel they bought on ebay wasn't a clincher, that's about the bulk of the 'scene'. no one rides them, and the majority of kids that got started in the last year couldn't even tell you what they are.

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so i was out on a ride tonight after lifting weights afterwork..nothing special an 1hr30min for some cardio some hills etc....but on my way home i am riding and something fucking pegs me in the back..feels like a baseball hitting me in the back, so I turn and some rice rocket with 4 fuckin lames speeds past...i yell "you fuckers" and flip them off and they quickly turned at the next street and sped off..i would have easily murdered any of them in a one on one...damn i was heated..have any of you got stories of the way fucktards like this try an fuck with riders...im laughing about it now but it could have been serious!:mad:

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that's why you gotta wear your "honk if you've never seen a handgun fired from a moving bicycle before" jersey on long ride days.


i've had people speed by then shout something inaudible (i guess people think they can be heard pretty well as they drive past at 40mph). that's about it. nothing at all bad on long road rides, worst thing was a car giving about an inch of passing room as it went by me in a corner.


thinking your car makes you invincible is pretty lame. no wonder people get angry and swing their locks around.

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dude, any tubular on the street in a non race environment is "hipster fronting".


Hip-Ster noun SLANG


someone who rejects the established culture...



I found this part extremely entertaining considering that the hipster is in itself a culture. It's like people who are "punk" these days. And I mean Hot Topic punk. They believe deep in their heart that they're rebelling against the establishment but anyone who walks into a mall to buy their identity is fucking kidding themselves.


And yeah, an italian hand made frame and fork with SRAM is just wrong. I will admit that I really like that SRAM Red gruppo but I would never put it on a Colnago. Of course... I don't have that kind of money anyway so I can only dream of how I wouldn't put SRAM on a Colnago.

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.have any of you got stories of the way fucktards like this try an fuck with riders...im laughing about it now but it could have been serious!:mad:


Oh... I've got fucktard stories. I was doing about 48 in the Grame-Obree-flying-scottish-fetus-position and not one but a fucking gang of turkeys (who previously were pleasantly chilling on the guard rail) all decided the middle of the road was where it's at. I fucking slammed on my brakes and zipped passed them but I've hated turkeys ever since.


On that same ride a little later I had a yellow jacket once fly into my jersey. The fucker had to bite me three times on the side before I realized he was actually IN my jersey. I pulled to the side and flapped my jersey until he flew out. Then I had forty miles of sweat dripping into my bites. That sucked.


I was in the burbs going downhill when I passed a solo parked car along a long stretch of nothing. I got a ways ahead of it until I had something hit the ground next to me and explode. Im thinking there were some highschool kids firing potatoes at me and missed. I definitely regret not turning around and beating the hell out of em.


I had a woman driving a pickup and pulling a horse trailer behind her try to overtake me on a shoulderless two laned road before. There was literally no shoulder on this narrow 50 mph road to nowhere, just a fucking retaining wall and this bitch decided to merge back over wayyyy to soon and nearly squished me between the horse trailer and the retaining wall. I was on a fixed gear so I fucking slowed down as fast as I could and barely missed it. That road was the worst possible road on the planet. I cant tell you how many big gulps I saw arc over my head that day. Nearly every car on the road honked or cussed.


This didnt happen to me but it's funny as hell: My friend's dad was out riding and this deer was chillin on the side of the road. The deer looked like he was gonna cross the road, then hesitated, then galloped right next to him for a brief second before deciding now was the time to cross and plowed right into him.


As for city stories I havent had anything happen to me but I've known people who got clotheslined and had their bikes jacked before. So if someones standing in the middle of the street take the fucker out.



I think colnagos are specifically campy-only...but Bianchis and Cervelos you can build with japanese and pakistani shit to your heart's content. If you're like me the only reason you like the sram red is because the cranks are white on one side. In which case you need the matching Frenchy frame.



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my strategy so far..........on some shitty roads, or with not enough room, I pretty much take the lane, and ride in the middle of it.

Good or bad? not sure..........but it seems to keep alot of drivers from doing stupid shit. and when its safe, i move to the left and they can pass.


i've also noticed.........many drivers seem to panic around cyclists. like they dont know what to do?

and since they dont want to be responsible for killing you, they just slow down heaps, or move into oncoming traffic when trying to pass you. even though its safe for them just to stay driving the same line they were before.

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ok. i was riding tubulars on the street because i got a complete pursuit road bike 3 months ago, which was a little too small, which came with tubulars. i swapped the parts onto a bigger frame, and had no money to get new wheels because i got bills. first flat was on the rear, and i fixed it with the vittoria foam 2nd flat was on the front, and someone loaned me a clincher wheel, which i got a flat on too, 4th was yesterday morning on my way to work on the back where i ran over an anti theft button which took out my back wheel again. i have no reason to front, and im too old to be a hipster.

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my strategy so far..........on some shitty roads, or with not enough room, I pretty much take the lane, and ride in the middle of it.

Good or bad? not sure..........but it seems to keep alot of drivers from doing stupid shit. and when its safe, i move to the left and they can pass.

Yes please do this.
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ok. i was riding tubulars on the street because i got a complete pursuit road bike 3 months ago, which was a little too small, which came with tubulars. i swapped the parts onto a bigger frame, and had no money to get new wheels because i got bills. first flat was on the rear, and i fixed it with the vittoria foam 2nd flat was on the front, and someone loaned me a clincher wheel, which i got a flat on too, 4th was yesterday morning on my way to work on the back where i ran over an anti theft button which took out my back wheel again. i have no reason to front, and im too old to be a hipster.



i was just having a laugh at your expense / venting on dumb shit i see sometimes. nothing personal. do you man. but dead the tubulars if you have flat luck like that.

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