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Originally posted by Joker

Steve... if you haven't been training on the regular and you did that well in your race, you're going to be a monster come summer.


I sure as hell hope so. I had a rough winter and found it really difficult to get out with any regularity. Got everything figured out and I'm motivated and back on track.


I was reading some Hammer nutrition stuff about protein. According to them I need to be taking in around 95-120 grams of protein daily. This is kinda hard to obtain via a diet and they're pushing product, but still...a lot of the info explained why I was having certain symptoms. I'm definitely going to up my intake.


Anybody know of anything going on in Boston around the first weekend of June? I might be in town then and am thinking about packing the racing whip. Oh yeah....#1000....figured it belonged here.

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Steve... where did you read that info? I've been noticing that on rides I tend to bonk at the top of the third hour... even with food in my belly. I've been using that Enervitine drink and eating a cliff bar on my rides. But on the home stretch I always lose power. I thought about looking into some e-caps or something but then I'd feel like an addict.


Weekly Race Report...


Six laps on a two mile flat course. First couple of laps were actually pretty quick and I stayed at the front for the first two. I was feeling a bit shakey and didn't think I would be able to do anything so I figured I'd do some pulling and get a work out in. On lap four, a points lap, things really heated up. Not only did the pace quicken but the pack spread out to what seemed like ten wide. I decided to make a break for it even though I knew I wouldn't hold everyone off. I was only three guys back and I saw an opening to my right, clicked it up two gears and hammered it. As I was going past the front line of guys I could hear a grip of people yelling "On the right! On the right!". When I gave it all I had and decided to sit down and TT it as best I could, I looked back and there they all were, stretched out behind me in a straight line working hard to catch me. I gave in and got back in the pack and recovered. There was no way they were going to let me have top points in that lap, so why kill myself for three points. On the final lap I got into position on the backside of the course... third man from the front. The guy at the front was pulling really hard and the whole pack was strung out into a thin line... even the guys in the back. As we came around the final turn which puts us onto the 500 meter straight to the line, the guy in front of me swung out and took off like the rest of us were going backwards. I did everything I could to ride his wheel but he was way too strong. I clikced up the gears a few more and just hammered it to the line. A few guys passed me up and I finished 9th. Not as good as last week but I'm not complaining. I still need to learn where to be in the pack and how to read the race. But these crits are reall fun!


I have a TT this weekend. Eleven miles, 3.5 of which is uphill. Lowest grade being 10% and the highest being 19%. I'm a sprinter by nature, not a climber but I figured I'd try it out anyway. Any tips Cinnamon for an uphill TT?

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jokster, hmm it really depends on where the climb is in relation to the finish. the uphill TT i did was all up hill. if it's at the end then i'd say try not to go latic before the climb a climb that long with that steep of a grade will hurt if have to climb it with legs full of the acid. bring your 27 and don't run a disc and pace your self save some for the top and hammer in the steap sections...



and as i was doing my mine my dad was yelling at me "if youre not suffering youre not working hard enough!"

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Steve... I just found out that the team I'm on also has a sponsorship deal with the same company. i didn't even know that till last night. Thanks for the offer of a discount! I'll have to look into their products and see what would boost my energy levels and keep me from fading.


Cinnamon... the course is ten miles and the last 3.5 or so miles is the hill. Actually, the last mile is uphill too but maybe 5% or so. So in comparrison to the major hill it's not all that bad. I'm definitely not riding a TT bike for this but I was going to set my seat a cm. higher for the climbing. I seem to climb better when my seat is up a little bit more than it is. Not sure why. And yea, I wasn't sure if I should hammer it to the hill or not. Your advice makes sense, good tempo to the hill and spend my energy there. I'll most likely try to 'sprint' up the last fifty feet or so of the major hill. The last mile will be a bugger but I think I can handle it. It's all just for fun and to see how well I can do in such an event. I don't expect to do all that well. And that's okay. I just want to do something besides crits and flat road races.

That course on Treasure Island looks like fun! I dig when there's those little S turns in a crit race. I'm sure you already know this, but as long as you are in the front of the line when the race starts and hang on for the first few laps you should be fine. Just find some guys wheel to stay on and don't let a soul near it.

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Race Report...


OUCH Series Uphill TT - The course is 11.8 miles with the first 6 miles being rollers. The last 5.8 are pure hell. I rode the course a few times, minus the hill, to get a feel of the rollers and how much energy I would need to pull to ride them at tempo. Not too bad. Never having done a TT I was completely at a loss as to how to ride this thing. Cinnamon's advice worked well, but nothing could prepare for the climb. From the gate I started out pretty quick. At about the 1.5 mile point I pass the guy in front of me. So I look down to see what my speed is to get an idea of how I'm going and it reads 0mph and I've been riding for 4 seconds. Great... my computer is fizzing out. I keep up the tempo till the first big roller. Shift down to the small ring but keep the it in the higher cogs so I can power up this thing. All is good there. I get to the 180degree turn point and start heading back to the hill. Tempo is still good. As I approach the base of the hill I can feel my speed slowly dwindling. By the time I get to the first 17% part of the climb... I'm crawling. At this point the guy who started behind me passes me up and gives me a few words of encouragement. Which was cool of him. After about ten minutes of pain it eases up a little bit, still steep but not as bad. Then it kicks into the first 19% part of the climb. Guys... I swear, if I was going any slower I would have fallen over. Another guy passes me and tells me to keep pedalling. More words of encouragement. After ten more minutes of pain like that it eases up a bit to about 9%. I can pedal easier now but I still can't click up the gears yet. I get to the top of the climb eventually and feel as if I'm going to throw up. I click up the gears a few and continue up the the newt two miles of hill, that's all rollers but uphill rollers... if that makes sense. About a half mile from the finish another guy passes me up and is dripping sweat like he just got sprayed with a hose. I felt bad for him but hey... it's his own fault. As I approach the last 300 meters or so I click it up into the big ring and hammer it out to the line as best as I can. 46:21 was my time. 65th overall and 11th in my catagory. I expected to finish last and I did a little better than that. My main goal was to finish and I did. It was brutal and I'm not sure I'll do the other two in the series. I'm just not a natural climber...

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It was in the mid 50's. So not terribly cold but cold enough for me to want to wear arm and knee warmers. The booties are those super-light Assos ones that don't really do anything. Oddly enough, I hardly sweated at all. I mean, yea there was some sweating going on but not like some of the people I saw after the race. I don't know... maybe I was just really cold and everyone else was normal. I do have a high temperature today so there's a good chance that I could have been fighting a 'bug' yesterday.

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Race report...


Another crit. I think I like crits more than other kinds of racing.


Lots of guys in this one. You can tell when the season is really starting to open up. People come out of the woodworks and polish off their bikes. Kinda funny. Anyway... The race started like any other crit, fast and furious from the get go. Don't know why it's always that way, it just is. We do some laps and then I hear the bell as we're coming around to the start/ finish area. The bell was to signify the start of a premium points/ hot spot lap but for some reason all my team mates took off for the line. All of them. I was sitting like nine back and wondering what the hell. As was everyone else. As the group started to roll past them I looked at one of the guys with a big smile and he just raised his hands and say "I don't know... ". So I had no one to work for or work for me. They were all toast and sitting at the back recovering. Obviously, the pace picks up and the group stretches out. I work along the side of the line and ease my way to the fourth position as we come around to the line. One of the guys in the front stands to sprint way too early and that just sets off a chain reaction. Next thing I know I'm hammering it about 400 meters from the line. I get on the back of one of the three riders and sit back down for second, look back and realize it's just us four. As we approach the line I gave it a little bit of a go but I didn't have enough for the points. We keep rolling and wait for the group to catch and get back in. By this time the group has dwindled down to about half what it started with... maybe a little less. The pace is kept high to hopefully keep dropping off people. A few guys attack, including one of my team mates and stay away for a lap or so. A friend from an opposing team is begging me to help pull it back but I obviously can't with my man up there. Soon as I told him that my man gets dropped, quick. So I get to the front of the group and charge. I look back to see who came with me and the whole group is stretched out. Hands in the drops, shoulders down and ass on the nose of the seat... going 31mph. I eventually get the wheel of one of the two escapee's and sit up and practically throw-up at the same time. The friend from the other team taps me on the back and tells me to get a few guys back, recover and then come find him. I chill for two laps and then work my way back to him. I hear his team mate say get on his wheel or the wheel of this real fast unattached rider. I stay there for a bit and drink and keep out of the wind which seems to be hitting me no matter which way we go. As we come around for the final sprint I keep on his wheel. The pace is so fast my legs are already burning. I stay on his wheel until about the 200 meter mark and the stand up and kick it in gear. I pedal like I was riding away from a tiger chasing me but it wasn't enough to even place in the top ten. I finshed 11th with legs full of lactic acid. I rode around for a few laps afterward to recover and work some of that crap out of my legs. Every race I do lately seems to get faster and faster. It's crazy...

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wow joker, that's a great writeup. makes me excited to get out riding again. i've done short rides the past two days, but i just got back from the caribe where i didn't ride at all and got fat off of platanos and habichuelas. when i left there was ice and snow on the ground, now i come back and it feels like dudes are in worldbeater condition. what the hell? i need a new chain- i have like 6,000 miles on my shit right now and i know it's eating my chainrings- hopefully not my cassette. time to shave the legs again too- been furry since november.

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so, i lost my bike...


i rode it drunk to the bus stop, took the bus to the concert... and left it on the bus(bike rack).!!!!


i emailed the bus company w/ a description, and whe i left it on the rack... hopefully i'll get it back.


that's what i get for riding drunk, i(in both senses)



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hello all.. ive been too busy to write up a race report from last sat. but i was leading the pack for the last 30 miles of the race.. trying for breaks and such only to get forced off the road on the last turn about .8 miles to the finish line... i worked my ass off to bridge back up the frount of the race but only to finish with nothing left in my legs and a 23rd out of 80riders and a 14th out of the cat 3's... oh well my legs felt amazing tho



and i signed up for one of those online coaches... i know i think they are lame but i figure if i am going to put so much time and effort into i mine as well do it right... i signed up at this one... www.trainright.com



and i will be in california in 2 days... im so excited.. if you go to the race website.. http://www.calcycling.org/nationals/courses.php they have a video of the road race... it fits my climbing ability perfictally... i will have a great write up when i get back


devlush any one else in san fran holla and we can meet up...

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That sucks that you got pushed off the road, Cinnamon. At least you'll benefit from pulling the pack for so long in your next race. And to be able to get pushed off the road, suffer to get back on to the pack and then work your way through the pack to finish 23rd... is no easy feat. Sounds like you're ready to take on anyone who gets in front of you!!


I've done two crits in the last few days. The first was hectic and just about burried me by the time I crossed the line, finishing 11 out of 36. The crit I did last night was less of a pain and more about teaching myself where to be when it matters. And luckily, it all worked out. I finished 2 out of 34. Finally! A good result. The points will move me way up in the overall standings as well. I was 14th out of a something like 150 riders. I should have moved up a few spots after last night.


Unfortunately I have to cut back on racing though to concentrate on canvas work for three upcoming shows in July and August. Hopefully I can find a way to balance it all out and get in the riding / racing and the artwork...

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joker... good job on the placing... i really wish we had a local crit series around here b/c i really need to get better at them and they are great for training


anyway you need to devise a system where you can ride the trainer and paint at the same time.... now that's multitasking..


best of luck with the art shows.. have one on the east coast!

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Joker...Cinnamon...nice going, you guys are making me feel bad. I just haven't been into the race scene as much this year. I'm sure that'll change with Fall and the cross season.


I've been trying to spend more time in the studio also. Got a bunch of ideas that I need to see completed.

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So it's been a while. Things have been crazy like nothing else. My computer has been being repaired for like a month now. My wife downloaded some virus or something, so I've barely been online. I've found other things to take up my time though. I got a promotion at work. I'm now Alkaline - Service Manager. All that really means is that I work too much and don't ride enough. I do get Sundays off, so I ride about once a week. I built a new rear wheel for the fixed gear. I used a Surly hub with this 700c disc-only rim from Alex. Black spokes, black nipples, black hub, a black rim with no braking surface and a Bontrager Race X Lite tire (black of course). It looks like it should be on a Stealth Bomber or something. I'll put a picture of it once I get my computer back. Nic sucks also got me one of those cool Cinelli Frog stems. That stem looks so good. I cant wait to build up the matching front wheel and paint the frame. It's going to be rad.

It sounds like everyone is doing well. Nice race reports, guys. I'm about to start a full-on training regime in the next week or so with two goals in mind. I plan on riding the Great Divide Trail next summer (with my friend who just moved up to Alaska to be a cycling tour guide) and I want to do an endurance race (12 or 24 hour) solo by the end of the year. I'm not sure if I'll have the chance to do the latter, but I'm going to do what I can.

One last thing. Does anybody read bike magazines? I may be the only geek here, but I get them free at work. Anyways, there is a really great pictorial in the new BIKE magazine featuring "dead" bikes from all over Philly. Check it out if you get a chance. I was impressed with it, as I also take pictures of bikes in that condition when I get a chance. I've got some of those that I'll put up too. Anyways, hats off to the two guys that did that spread.

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rough shape


i'm hurting. yesterday i had two hours to train so i decided i'd just do some hills training. there's a climb about 4 miles from my house that hurts, 1 mile up, 1 mile down. i climb it ten times in a row. this pretty much beats the shit out of me because i'm not with the program yet at all. on the way home i rode one 3/4 steep ass hill and pretty much bonked... barely moving, out of the saddle struggling in the 39x23 haha. whatever. i went home disgraced that i was that tired from riding 30 miles.

mcewan elbowed this dude baldato today in the sprint finish at the giro and sent him into the barriers...

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well... i learned a lot


the crit was on treasure island... flat as can be with 6 turns


i had a great start (but didn't last too long) oh and this was my 5th crit ive ever done. so i just tried to stay on peoples wheels but that didn't work the pace was unbelieveably fast 28-31mph pace. i stayed on the pack for about 20minutes. i guess i just don't have the strength that these guys have, i was sprinting as fast as i could to stay on the back of the pack but people just kept on passing me and finally i got spit off the back and road with one other guy for a bit and then the chase group of about 20 riders but we just didn't go fast enough and we got caught at about 35minutes into the crit. the crit was 70minutes long the guys i raced against are just at a different level then me but of the 100 or so that started only 37 finished, so i wasn't the only one that got dropped.


i'll type up the roadrace tomorrow


alk.. nice to see your back

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cinnamon!! holy shit...i havent checked this thread in like years now. edited because i read this thread just now.....i'm am totally sorry that i didnt check this thread earlier. i knew that you'd be in town but i erased your email message. i'm sorry...i feel all bad. next time your in town, i owe you like 5 beers...okay? did you get to meet up with dibs? did you get to berkeley just fine from the airport?


my hubby is going away for the memorial holiday for the portland bike messenger race. is anyone going? geez, if you are....good luck. i heard the sf cutters have a bad reputation for being assholes. but my hubby is good. he's a nice guy.


i wont be going unfortunately. but i will be going to the world's in seattle.

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