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let's talk about pedal technique.


my university team coach says keep flat feet with the soles parallel to the ground at all times. however, in every single photo or video i've seen of a TT / tri / track race, pro/amateur/whatever, everyone always has their heels lifting up at the 7-10 o clock position.



photo to illustrate my point.


seeing as mr. coach is a road cyclist coach and not a track or tri coach, my question is: does the flat foot technique have merits in some situations and not others (i.e. spinning vs. mashing, sprinting vs. distance)? are these people all just too focused in the heat of the moment to remember to keep their feet flat? what's the deal?

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I've talked to so many people about this same subject and all of them have told me the same thing... you'll get the most out of your pedal stroke in the position that is most comfortable for you.


I find that when I'm cruising along on the flats that my heels are down. When it heats up a little bit my heels are up. Climbing, while seated... heels down. Sprinting, heels up - down - left - right... everywhere. This is just me. When I concentrate on trying to keep my heels down all the time I end up losing sight of what else is going on in the race. I've also noticed that when I was taking the advice from what I had read online, about keeping heels down, that after several long rides the heels of my feet and the backs of my legs were really sore. I was forcing myself to do something that I obviously shouldn't have been doing.


This is just my insight and what works for me though.


That "Puppy" video is uh, interesting. Seems like you really need to be in the know to get it but even still... it's interesting. The very first guy they ask a question to, Sharky, that guy has been a courier since I moved here back in the early 90's. He used to look like death on a bike back then. I swore up and down that he got his energy straight from hell...

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You know you're pedaling right when you stand up and start spinning and the drivetrain makes this hydraulic whooshing sound every downstroke. I dunno if it's me or the bike but I can't make that sound, which makes it all that much cooler to hear.


Sharky's a beast still. Dude definitely's injecting some some shit tho.

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That "Puppy" video is uh, interesting. Seems like you really need to be in the know to get it but even still... it's interesting. The very first guy they ask a question to, Sharky, that guy has been a courier since I moved here back in the early 90's. He used to look like death on a bike back then. I swore up and down that he got his energy straight from hell...


Sharky's an OG and a real ass athlete. Once I saw a picture of him where he wasn't sweaty, I think he was with his son or something. Every real life time I've seen him or every picture I've seen, always got the slick sweaty hair. Beast on a bike for sure. Word is he can pour an entire mug of hot coffee down his throat at will too.


IDK what soup means by the injecting thing though.

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bad news....i cant get my bianchi, they don't have the frame size i need. they said they could order, but it would take them at least a month or maybe more to get it in (a month wtf?).

anyway so i am pissed. i really need something now, so i think ill be goin for something a bit more common and cheaper.


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I've seen several bikes like this chain ring set locked up in a rack or a pole or tree. What is the primary function of this gearing? Looks very interesting.


thats a flatland bike.

small chainwheels make trick rideouts easier and help make the transitions smoother.

which also makes it a real bastard if you actually want to ride it somewhere

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you do the same thing to pro roadies. whats the difference?



not really.



and there is a lightyear's gap between a pro rider and a courier superstar. and maybe ubercourier is good enough to be pro hes slacking if he doesnt go for it.


im predicting a great debate on this one. haha

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no debate necessary. i just think this whole hiphop / graffiti notion of being all against 'jocking' is fucking retarded. some people achieve shit in the world, that usually means they get praised for it somewhere along the way. no need to play 'jock police' every time someone says something positive about someone else. i'm so fucking glad i don't deal in the graff game anymore, big egos are annoying as hell to deal with.

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