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Originally posted by yeaaaah baby

cherry you look like a girl i knew back in the day. next time you scan your face move your face along with that light bar thing.. you'll get some crazy scans.




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Sperm Wars

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There are some amazing and hard-to-believe statistics about how many children born into married couples or long-term partnerships are not actually fathered by the woman's partner, but by another man. Here are the dates, locations and results of a small number of these studies. The percentages are the percentages of children who were not the genetic offspring of the apparent father:

Year Location Percentage

1957 America 18%

1973 South-east England 30%

1975 & 1984 Venezuelan Indians 9%

1977 Liverpool, England 20 to 30%

1984 Rural Michigan 10%

1991 Review of all data 12%

2000 Germany 10% of first born children; up to 25% of fourth born


Source: UK Child support agency website.


This data seems hard to believe because we have always been told that men are more likely to be unfaithful to their partner. These figures don't seem to bear that out, although we don't know how they compare with unfaithfulness in childless couples, or even if the woman above were so desperate to get pregnant that they chose to be unfaithful for that reason alone.


Anyhow, it's clear that something strange is going on. It's easier to understand what this might be if you take a sociobiological view. Simply put, this means that you shift from seeing everyone as driven by social conventions (like "don't commit adultery") and instead think about which biological imperatives might lie behind their behaviour. And of course, then it all becomes much simpler: women are subconsciously looking for the best man (the fittest, healthiest, richest, most socially successful male), while men are looking to inseminate as many women as possible - and get as many pregnant as possible. In biological terms, the only winners in the race to reproduce are the males and females of any species who leave most offspring in the next generation. And for males, one aspect of this strategy is to inseminate many women, and to con the woman's mate into bringing up the children. For women, seeking out a successful male's sperm may be a riskier strategy if she is dependent on her cuckolded mate to support her and her offspring, for he may leave her if he discovers the deception.


Now, all of this happens all the time in the animal kingdom, but it's unusual to think of ourselves as so driven by our animal nature that the placement of a penis in a vagina becomes nothing more than the expression of our deepest animal instincts. Sadly, though, that often seems to be the case. Robin Baker has written a book called "Sperm Wars" in which he entertainingly outlines about thirty different human sexual scenarios and then offers an interpretation of the biological motives behind them. For example, many men find that watching another couple having sex is an incredibly arousing experience. You might say that's no surprise, since men are so horny and so easily turned on, but if you think about it, the question "Why is watching a couple having sex so arousing for men?" is harder to answer. It's possible that


Some fascinating evidence which may support the concept of sperm wars comes from research done by a team of scientists in the USA. These sex-boffins built an artificial vagina and a variety of plastic penises, then experimented with starch suspension to represent semen. And guess what? They discovered that the shape of the penis is exactly right for removing any semen that already happens to be in the vagina when a man has sex. They discovered that the coronal ridge of the penis could scoop out more than 90% of the starch mixture in one of their artificial vaginas with just one thrust. A penis with no coronal ridge only managed to remove 35%. And the vigor of thrusting mattered too: a deeper thrust scooped out more of the offending semen...errr...sorry, the offending starchy stuff.


You may say that just happens to be a matter of chance. After all, some other scientists have suggested the shape of the penis is designed to keep a woman's lubrication inside her vagina during sex. (Though of course, those two ideas are not necessarily mutually exclusive.) But here's another interesting fact that may support the idea of semen clearance: a couple's sex tends to be more energetic if a women is suspected of cheating, or if the couple has been apart. This might imply there's a sub-conscious desire on the part of the man to rid his partner of any trace of another man's semen. Of course, it might just mean he's horny because he hasn't had sex for a while.....


The research team concluded that the human penis was designed to "enable males to substitute their semen for the semen of their competitors. As a consequence of competition for paternity, human males evolved penises that displace semen from the female vagina left by other males." The research is published in the journal Evolution and Human Behaviour.

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Adult FriendFinder members can respond to the advice line questions.

On 12/19/2002, yikesididit responded:


My wife went out to a bar, ended up having sex with some stud in his truck, then brought his sweet nectar home to me. This was the first time I ever tasted another guys cum and I went crazy when I tasted her dripping pussy. She came about four times when I was eating her, and I made sure I got every drop she brought me. She came a few more time when I fucked her. I wish she would do it again. She has my ok, she just hasn't done it.

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