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the NEW sketch thread


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i dont mean to be a dick but i gotta say that that really does make it seem like you are biting REVOK and Sever


once again people saying shit just to start shit, either post something that proves your point or shut the fuck up, maybe becuase i have an r at the begining u would think that, but sever?? not even close

get the fuck outta here


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once again people saying shit just to start shit, either post something that proves your point or shut the fuck up, maybe becuase i have an r at the begining u would think that, but sever?? not even close

get the fuck outta here



WTF is everyone always taking everyhign out of fucken context. this is a fucken feedback thread. if you can take criticism and think you are such a hot shit stop fucken posting here... oh and my bad.. i dont mean sever.. i mean YESTWO, i got mixed up my bad.


here is my point.....




and i know that i have seen that broken R on a revok piece.. that ame exact one.. i just ant find it right now....




the E in this one and the E in the flick above this are the same...

and the O in this one and the O inyour last flick is pretty much the same...







look at your R and look at YesTwos K below...


revok by yestwo




now i really do think you are biting everyones shit...

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WTF is everyone always taking everyhign out of fucken context. this is a fucken feedback thread. if you can take criticism and think you are such a hot shit stop fucken posting here... oh and my bad.. i dont mean sever.. i mean YESTWO, i got mixed up my bad.


here is my point.....




and i know that i have seen that broken R on a revok piece.. that ame exact one.. i just ant find it right now....




the E in this one and the E in the flick above this are the same...

and the O in this one and the O inyour last flick is pretty much the same...







look at your R and look at YesTwos K below...


revok by yestwo




now i really do think you are biting everyones shit...


nice try, people get confused between influnce and biting, ur trying to point out shit that dosnt exist, no one is 100 percent original, no matter what kinda style you are bringing with ur letters, garenteed atleast 50 other people are doing the same shit, so get off the dick


so i bit the o in this??:confused:


and my r is bitten from yes's k???:confused:



this shit aint even close, try again.


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the other sketches say rogue

i never asked for advice, i just post my shit for others to look at, i dont comment on anyone elses shit i just come here to look at sketches and graffiti, if someone posts wack shit, i just dont look at it, im not gonna go out of my way to point out its wack, unless someone posts shit and wants feedback, then i would tell them what i think, is that hard to understand?

if i wanted advice i would ask for it.

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anger.. we all post here for criticism... its not our falut you cant take it.


i know i didnt give the best examples but eaither way... its how i felt when i saw your sketches. i cant say the everyone bites someone else.. though i admit there can be a great influence on a writers style by seeing others' work


i think this one is your dopest... i just think you gotta clean it up a bit to make it more legible...

and if dont want anyone's criticism dont bother replying....



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