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^^^spirits wont make for an accurate buff test. if you really what to know how your inks stack up, use something stronger. something closer to an actual buff. or use your inks in a spot that you know will get the professional buff and go back later to see whats left.

krink gets crushed by the buff.


has anyone had any luck ghosting a barrier coating?

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I tried using an old mini otr tube with an eraser nib without the valve. It worked for a while but then leaked out of control. My hands are covered in griffin. I tried liquid rit dye. Shit sucks. Cleaned it off easily with paint thinner. It left behind a ghost, but I want a tag not a ghost.

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Here's a tip to help you out.. you can't perform an accurate test if your trying to get ink off of a surface with something used to remove paint. Get some Goo-Off or any Industrial Strength Cleaner and then try, the results will be alot different. Also your best bet is to drop that Griffin shit and start saving up for some good inks that will last a buff. You also speak about everything being painted over, but Garvey XT-70 will show through the paint and still be visible.


I want a tag not a ghost.


A ghost is a stain of your tag after its been buffed.. so I don't know what you mean.

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Originally posted by chumbawumba

Nothing will help that, except maybe some Garvey. You can't control the buff.


You are right...there is something about garvey that makes it almost impossible to buff on a lot of surfaces...it is like the garvey becomes part of what you used it on...nothing can compare to it.


I think one of the main reasons, is it is not your typical graffiti ink...it is a high powered industrial price stamping ink...if you look on the bottom of a soda can you will see numbers stamped in ink...it does not come off the can...no matter how hard you rub.


When it is used in a marker...it gets put on the surface alot more than a simple stamp.

So, no wonder it does not come off...try it on plastic or metals that are factory painted...IT WILL NOT SMUDGE.


Also, on some paint type inks or krink...you sometimes want to wait a long time before you try to buff it...like all paint...it takes some time to dry quick...So, try your paint ink, wait a day then try to buff it.

Dye ink is just what it is...DYE!


I meant that I would want the tag to show for a while instead of it ghosting right away. Err, I guess that doesn't make sense.


If you want long lasting tags...use spray paint on brick, cement buildings, etc;

Spray paint is a bitch to get off that type of stuff...they have to use a sand blaster.

So, for your needs...don't mess with ink...use spray paint.


Get silver and get flat black....either krylon or rusto.

It does not matter what you really use as long as it is spray paint, get a fat cap and you will have giant tags that will stay up for awhile.

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once i was on the bus and these stupid squatters got on.. they were amazingly annoying and i developed a loathing for them being trapped on a bus listening to them talk like retards, so when i got off i just decided that i would hit the plastic window right next to their faces so i whipped out my marker full of oxblood fiebings and did a slow tag.. The driver who could have been a jackie chan stunt double saw me and jumped out of his seat and yelled at me.. so i flipped him off and started walking away ( its kind of hillarious because drivers really cant do shit)... so then three weeks later, I was walking down the street and a bus passed me and I saw that the tag that i had done weeks before had stained the window and just left a white ghost (I dont know why) ... it made me hella happy.. I'd hate to think what garvey would do if fiebings stained that hard.. haha fuck muni :dazed: :dazed:

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i wanna make my ink a little bit thicker, so it doesnt leek out of a shoe-polish container, so i'm simply gonna boil it up in a cheap pan from pound-land.


obviously i dont wanna blow my kitchen up or poison my whole family with toxic gasses, so...any tips? :crazy:

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i've never boiled ink myself, but it seems like it may get thicker because the alcohol could boil out. either way i'm sure it'd make for some pretty noxious fumes. be careful and use common sense. that pans gonna be ruined at the end of it.


by the way, thicker ink doesn't necessarily mean a leak-proof mop. are you using kiwis? if so, i'd suggest switching to a bingo dabber / face paint marker / window chalker (all found at a good dollar store). those things are practically leak proof - the cap is screw on, screw off, and i've never had a problem with them leaking in my pocket. i don't use kiwis anymore because i've had those things leak in my pocket before and the nib is less sturdy. those dollar store mop's nibs are a little stronger than kiwis but they'll eventuaully tear too - either way, they only cost a dollar so it's not even worth racking in my mind - you can get 5 mops for 5 bucks, enough to last for a little while.

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Originally posted by pharoahe

i wanna make my ink a little bit thicker, so it doesnt leek out of a shoe-polish container, so i'm simply gonna boil it up in a cheap pan from pound-land.


obviously i dont wanna blow my kitchen up or poison my whole family with toxic gasses, so...any tips? :crazy:


:twitch:-wear a respirator and open a few windows.

:beat:-a double-boiler set up is not as harsh on your ink.

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oh...one more thing...


my typical recepie would be:


- 3/4 parts black inferno ink

- 1/4 parts purple fiberns ink

- 1/2 table spoon of potassium permagnate

- 1/2 tablespoon of brake fluid


the thing is; i'm not sure exactly what to boil up in my expensive pan. just the ink? the ink and the brake fluid?


any help before i intoxicate my family?



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if you want to thicken your ink, use the single pot method.

if you wnat to mix up some ink but keep the consistancy somewhat thin, use the double-boiler method.

either way, bring your combined inks up to a simmer and then start stirring.

after a thorogh mix, kill the heat.

once you have reduced the heat, stir in the ghosting additives before the ink has cooled back down to room temp.

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Originally posted by ODS-1

Generally when you add 1/2+ 1/2, that is everything.

seems to me, ODS-1 that you may be confused.

check his quote again... it reads:


- 1/2 table spoon of potassium permagnate


- 1/2 tablespoon of brake fluid

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Originally posted by chumbawumba

Ok, here is how I would go about it. I would boil the inks first, then add the Potassium and Brake Fluid after its boiled. Even if what your going to do doesn't work, you will learn from your mistake(s).

Originally posted by chumbawumba

I think boiling your inks is a waste of time, and a waste of a pot. You don't need to boil your ink to make it thicker just because it leaks out of your pen, the simple solution is get a different marker or mop container.

and now i'm confused. first your giving advice on how to boil ink and 2 posts later your saying what a waste of time it is?

your right about the leaky pen chumba, if its leaking, pharoahe needs a new pen not thicker ink.

but boiling ink recipies isnt always a waste of time. in my experience it often gives you a more even mixture.

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well guys...i boiled my ink up today and the only thing i achieved was permanent brain damage (most probbably)


the shit fucking stunk my house out, but it didnt even thicken up...and to think i bought a new pan today from kwik-save for £2 !!!


any ideas why it didnt thicken up ?

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Originally posted by rubbish heap

those dollar store mop's nibs are a little stronger than kiwis but they'll eventuaully tear too - either way, they only cost a dollar so it's not even worth racking in my mind - you can get 5 mops for 5 bucks, enough to last for a little while.


Those are not really mops rubbish...They are cheap shoe polish applicators. I guess the new generation of writers thinks a shoe polish applicator is a mop.

They are a poor mans tagging tool.


We never called shoe polish apps--mops


A mop is a homemade eraser strip marker that is very wide and very drippy, as where you do not need to apply any pressure to write and the ink flows out very drippy and all.

When I get a new web cam I will show you what a mop is and what a tag looks like with a real mop.

I should not do this. Because, I will be giving away the old skool secret (plus, I want to sell them on ebay). But, I can't stand hearing about shoe polish apps with cheap foam rubber nibs being referred as graffiti mops.

But, I guess if you never saw a real mop one can only assume a shoe polish app is a mop.


I have a gut feeling you know what I mean rubbish:)


It is a shame they do not make ban roll on deodorants out of glass anymore.

But, the Arrid XX is the last of the roll ons that will make a real bonifide NYC mop.

They are fooling alot people when Krink calls their shoe polish applicator filled with krink, a mop.

The krink "mops" suck. They are just shoe polish apps with krink.

But, if you switch the nib with a a folded eraser strip...you can call it a mop.

And if that is the case. You can get those 4oz shoe polish apps at any supermarket, throw away the foam rubber "nib" pour out that chalky shoe polish, and refill it with real ink and shove a folded felt eraser strip in it...for free. Well, almost free. You can get a 6 strip eraser for like a $1.40...Hence, it makes six real mops.


REAL mops are drippy as hell, wide as hell, no pressure to write and have a screw on cap.

Not only that, the eraser nib/strip will last for a long long long long time.

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Originally posted by rinse

and now i'm confused. first your giving advice on how to boil ink and 2 posts later your saying what a waste of time it is?

your right about the leaky pen chumba, if its leaking, pharoahe needs a new pen not thicker ink.

but boiling ink recipies isnt always a waste of time. in my experience it often gives you a more even mixture.


I was just giving him some pointers because thats what he asked for, I never said I did it or it was a good idea. I do think it is a waste of time, and a pot.

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omen dont worry, i know exactly what you mean. as newschoolers we call pretty much anything that drips (like a kiwi) or anything that is from a homemade container (like chapstick) a mop. i will agree with you, those kiwi mops are bullshit. the nibs aren't durable at all.


a step up from kiwi's are the window chalkers / face paint mops. they don't have that same bullshit nib as the kiwis.



the nib takes a little more abuse, the drips are easier to control, and the mop is nice and cheap - only a dollar. not even worth racking.


obviously at the top of the list is those deodorant mops with the felt tip nib. however, you should at least note that the face paint mops are better than those bull shit kiwis :crazy:

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