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Canvas Thread

Harpo Marx

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I think that I am trying to convey that your next "project" should be some basic drawing. Like draw some fruit in a bowl, go buy a big ass sketchbook and fill that fuckier with still likfes of everything you see.


Just gesture drawings with some shading, Then buy another sketchbook, and do the same exact thing, but this tiome, refine it a bit more. Dont stiop till youve filled the book. Draw for three hours a day. Bust your ass, and then....when you can grasp shading, balance, composition, symetry, line quality....then maybe you should try a concept. One.


Re do that same one twenty times until you get it right.


Yeah, I am basically learning by the book, traditional techniques. I do draw a lot, and have started to do still lifes of lots of stuff. Im just going to keep practicing still lifes and portraits untill i can grasp the techniques. Thanks.

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i just happen to actually write, but no where on any thread, or even in this canvas thread did I claim to write. And basically you can't say no diss in front of what you just said. hahah.


No Diss, but I see that shit all the time.

You jusr happen to be a part of that with the post you psted... just making an example.

if you right, I would like to see yo Back it up then...

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Good for you then.

Its just 1 out of many.

so make sure you add a twist too the characters so it could rep the true warrior in you/master/what ever alter teleconneddix ego we put our work to be is some how repping you.

ya dig?

So this being said, fuck the emo shit, fuck the immitation of this craft, word up.

I am ceeing to much weak ass shit on here..

Wheres that heavy tuff shit that real niggas suppose to be on in this higher degree of graff roots and elevation??


straight up grow with it...


But yall on that show off shit in cyberspace. Safe from all the real NiGGUZZZ who made this spark happen, inorder for you all to come on here yapping writing and thinking you know the rules, change it up alot to fit ya toy standards, and cheat..


Now erry one doing canvas this and canvas that..

So lets start a canvas battle thread and have fair judges, and no favoritist..

This is the on line community shit right here, also on a chat, certain ones will get weeded out if yall dont shapen up ya crafts of piecing on this sight and visual effect community type shit..


You understand, Cool,If you dont, then you hurting ya self by following a blasphemous trend you toddlerts and kids fuckin wifffffffff... This is an insult to graff, especially NYC oldschool wildstyle tour birth of a generation shit...

And that all you need to know.


this goes out to many on here,

experiment if you all must, but dont post em up...

erry one trying to play ketchup with tiddoy shit.


so come at ya master canvas with master styles that aint an eyesore..

Dig it.

Coming at ya on the teleconnetix level.

You take it personal, you just hurting ya self..

Word is bond.

I challange you, who or what ever is out there doing this...


Prove me wrong..

I will be that nikka you all hate, but I aint trying to sugar coat battle nikkas..

Add on...


Kiss the rings Bitches, IMMOUT!

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