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Canvas Thread

Harpo Marx

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god damnit, i liked that till i saw the hand in the background.

you're gonna be dope as soon as you forget that graffiti exists.



i just started a canvas tonight. first one in forever. there is no graffiti involved, because graffiti is gay.

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Seeking - I'm cashing that in as praise!


Listen - I'm not ready to give the hands up yet. Don't you think it works as an abstract landscape? I think that the hands and the splats act as a reminder that this is nothing but man-made but the overall image wants you to believe it is a scene.


I honestly think that in time I will completely agree with you and won't be touching spraypaint and tags and shit. I'm just not finished exploring this yet. Plus, I'll admit, it's candy to young professionals with disposable income and a need to get some 'urban' art on their walls. Everybody's happy (except you, but you're close!)

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my canvases arent that impressive to look at, and definitely not in small photo form on the internet. all my stuff deals with a lot of subtle texture and color variation, and to be honest, im not sure if i even like the genre anymore (let alone my paultry contributions to it). im starting to try to actually work with subject matter, and painting *gasp* 'things'. ha. we'll see how it goes. i might be doing a show in august. if i do, i'll post some, no breath holding though.


the hand wasnt awful at all, it was very subtle and in a world of cliche images and applications, you again did it about as well as one ever possibly could, which is why it still bums me out that you do it. ha. i know we know nothing of eachother, but i do respect what you're doing, or rather the sincerity that i feel you do it with. i just cant say enough that i wish you'd venture out a little more. do things that arent hip hop, or graffiti. dont use spray paint or markers. try something that isnt so easily within your comfort zone. anyone else, i wouldnt even bother to say anything, but for whatever reason, i think you could be accomplishing so much more. to be honest, part of my interest in this is that you paint the things that i would, but refuse to just on principal. ive always liked pwer lines, telephone poles, all that, but i realized years ago that its not just me (or us) its every art school student who wants to make some irrelivent point about urban landscapes and the juxtoposition of man vs nature blah blah etc etc. its such an easy sell, which makes it also an easy buy. im just so jaded that i cant allow myself to do it. instead i sit around frustrated trying to come up with something that hasnt been done before 80000 times. when i cant, i check in here and blast you for not making the things i want to be making myself, but arent. ha. its an imperfect solution, but it makes me feel better.


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I do have a permanent awareness that somewhere under the surface - or in many cases, blazingly obvious - 99% of the stuff on this thread (including mine) is heavily played/cliched.


I'm with you on the comfort zone thing and honestly think I am ready for that. Only problem is the cost of getting new equipment (oils and shit costs loads) and the danger of creating something truly hideous. Much of my current 'style' is shaped by the fact that I have a stock of spray paint and pens, plus a growing understanding of how to use it. I think I have made a compromise that works at the moment. My work gets bought and funds future work - whereas that income would dry up if I started trying to sell toy oils. On the other hand, there is a universe of opportunity when you work through the pain.


It's a tough call - I promise to post a non graffiti painting by december

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I actually disagree with Seeking. Normally the "graff on canvas" thing is pretty gay. I think certain people like Ryke can pull it off pretty well, but it is rare.


The reason it works on that Just piece is because it is so subtle. As you said seeking, you did not even reallly notice it. It appears that it is "underneath" and is only visable in certain angles and whatnot.


I think it works, and is one of the stronger canvases of late around here. Good lines and color. And its not like he did a Deco piece right in the middle of the canvas which is what everybody does here.





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The reason it works on that Just piece is because it is so subtle. As you said seeking, you did not even reallly notice it. It appears that it is "underneath" and is only visable in certain angles and whatnot.


this is more of an observation the a reason for success.


There is a lot to be said for layering and subtlety, however in themselves for the sake of it is a poor reason. In that canvas there are opportunity's to play with transparency and layers to add to the hint of space and depth with in the scene the work depicts. However having a slightly transparent tag only flattens and collapses any possible space being built by the wires and poles.


SO to me the intent is to create something 'cool', that will appeal to a certain portion of the image making world; and in that sense its a nice 'graphic image', but does not go further then that.

By say bringing some of the back ground color in front of the flat black line work you would help create and or add to a sense of depth that is chiefly being created by the simple horizon line and perspective of the wires. The color of the back ground is textured while the black is flat and sits right on top, both literally and figuratively; which can also be something to play with however this work reads as not being conscious of that thus fails to utilize that depth potential.

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everyone from europe always complains about the cost of supplies...do you guys not have rackable art stores there? someone a while ago kept insisting that he had to paint on pizza boxes, because he couldnt afford canvases. over here, you can get an 18x24 canvas for about $11. i'm not big on racking in general, i usually think its not worth it, but when it comes to art supplies, they're basically giving them away here. its honestly easier to steal paints than it is to stand in line and pay for them. you guys need to get with the program.

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everyone from europe always complains about the cost of supplies...do you guys not have rackable art stores there? someone a while ago kept insisting that he had to paint on pizza boxes, because he couldnt afford canvases. over here, you can get an 18x24 canvas for about $11. i'm not big on racking in general, i usually think its not worth it, but when it comes to art supplies, they're basically giving them away here. its honestly easier to steal paints than it is to stand in line and pay for them. you guys need to get with the program.


england doesnt really do chain art stores which are easy to rack from.

in my experience, most art shops tend to be really small mum and dad run businesses. plus, these are the shops where you can get larger markers from - and due to councils / govts etc they are aware of graffiti and the other problems it can bring (theft).


i have a spot where i can get canvases from £1 - at the current rates 50 US cents roughly - so i dont know about having to paint pizza boxes.

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Yeah - plus I don't rack supplies for the same reason that I don't do proper graffiti. I have too much to lose if I get a criminal record. So I settle for doing things by the book. Gay but hey.


Sneak - Very interested in your £1 spot - where's that?


HeavyLox I'm with you on the critique. This was always going to have a limit to its depth (both literally and philosophically) because it's not for me. I'm looking forward to doing some art-for-art-sake paintings soon enough. The image really was just supposed to look cool.

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Sneak - Very interested in your £1 spot - where's that?



mwahahaha that secret will die with me!


nah, just joking. without being too specific, check those "bargain" stores. you know the huge warehouse types run by a family of indians which sell everything cheap or knock off prices.

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I haven't been in here in a long, long time...


And so, I'll add my two pennies on the Just triptych. I like it as well. In all fairness... I didn't see the hand till I went back after reading Seeking's post. Once I could see it, it was all I could see. My view on something like that is if you're going to add depth in that way you might as well add depth. And by that I mean one tag fogged under a color isn't adding depth... it's just hiding a tag. Adding depth with a tag would be what Jose Parla does. You could, if you wated to experiement in his style, work at something like that and then do your sky and powerlines over that. Maybe even add more to the sky for more depth within the overall image. Just a thought.

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everyone from europe always complains about the cost of supplies...do you guys not have rackable art stores there? someone a while ago kept insisting that he had to paint on pizza boxes, because he couldnt afford canvases. over here, you can get an 18x24 canvas for about $11. i'm not big on racking in general, i usually think its not worth it, but when it comes to art supplies, they're basically giving them away here. its honestly easier to steal paints than it is to stand in line and pay for them. you guys need to get with the program.


yup easier then taking a shit especially at michaels, and i think they got 20 X16 in 2 packs here sometimes for like 6 bucks but other than canvases u have to rack ur markers no point in paying a good 4 dollars for 1 when u can get a good 25-30 for free. P.S. is ur art show in the dirty glove or naw

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Joker - thanks for the feedback. I've taken a look at some of Jose Parla's stuff and it's class. I'll take that advice.


in my defence - The main objective of the sky was not to add depth. It was to create a clearly abstract sky-like background with 'urban' style, and paste a very real silhouette (or however you spell it) onto the foreground. The image needed to be striking and vibrant - it was designed for a wall in a room.


Jose Parla is where I would love to end up - not necessarily in style but in that you can clearly tell he doesn't do it for the commission.

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