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Guest meone
Originally posted by beardo

this would qualify as instance #2 of too much information from uncle J.. :lol:



i second that

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Originally posted by Joker

They're called Plushies. Most of the costumes are anitomically correct and the whole scene is kinda fucked up, when you really delve into it. Then again, so is scat-love but no one is posting that stuff. (Not an invitation to post such things)


Related, a co-worker of mine sold a "Olive the other reindeer" costume to a lushie a few days ago. he was interested in buying it because it had somewhat of a snug fit and the fabric / fur was very common so he could add genitalia to it. The idea is kinda funny, but you can't help but feel disturbed at the same time.


Still love this thread...


actually they're called furries, but same difference.

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Guest chicken bone

HEY lets talk about spiders in channel zero.





Milan artist's installation sparks outrage - and injury


Sophie Arie in Florence

Saturday May 8, 2004

The Guardian


Maurizio Cattelan, one of Italy's leading modern artists, has a reputation for stirring controversy. But his latest work has surpassed all expectations, offending one man so grievously he ended up in hospital with concussion.


His artistic creation involves three plastic child dummies hanging from nooses in an old oak tree in Milan's busy May 24 square. The life-like bambini appeared unperturbed, their faces calm and angelic, their wide eyes turned to the sky. Traffic jams soon formed at lights below and passersby gathered to stare and argue.


Milan mayor, Gabriele Albertini, attended the inauguration of the work, calling it "a good example of anti-conformist culture".


But by Thursday night one passerby, Franco de Bernardo, 42, had become so angry at the effect it had on his nephew, he returned with a ladder and saw to cut the corpses down.


When he got to bambino No 3, he lost his grip and fell, cracking his head on a railing below and ending up in a pool of blood beneath the dangling child.


He spent the night in hospital with concussion and an injury to his right eyebrow. Firemen removed the three plastic children.


"We are shocked," said Massimiliano Gioni of the Fondazione Nicola Trussardi, which sponsored the work. "It was a work meant to make people talk. We did not think it would come to this."


The foundation said it planned to relocate the work, which was designed to "show the tension there is in reality".


Cattelan defended his creation. "Childhood, this strange place where traumas happen and you dream incredible dreams, is a place I always return to. The fact is we seem more violence on TV these days than in this work of art," he told La Repubblica.


But politicians had criticised the work even before it produced its first casualty. City councillor Stefano Di Martino described it as a way of "letting out people's sick fantasies".


It was not known what plans Cattelan had for the dismantled installation which had been set to grace central Milan until June 6.


Cattelan is possibly Italy's richest modern artist, making a name with shock installations, including a prostrate pope struck by a meteorite and a stuffed squirrel committing suicide at a kitchen table.


His taxidermic horse suspended from a ceiling, called La Ballata di Trotsky (The Ballad of Trotsky), fetched £619,750 at Christie's in 2001.

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Guest im not witty

my girl used to tell me that im going to look just like terry richardson when i grow up. i can think of alot worse things to say to someone. that guy looks like he has fun.

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..as for the last comment...


hanging out with pornstars doest not always = fun.




i have to tell you i was once at an art opening and noticed a dog with a camera around its neck, regardless of the camera i knelt down to pet it.. the camera flashed and blinded me quite a few times.



i later found out it was terry richardsons dog....



"now.. whats that all about willis?"

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live n uncut nycity


http://img56.photobucket.com/albums/v172/yewzallah/supperman.jpg'> do you think he can fly?http://img56.photobucket.com/albums/v172/yewzallah/chainy.jpg'>

who you think cought a bad 1?http://img56.photobucket.com/albums/v172/yewzallah/doorman.jpg'> jump em jump em nikkah http://img56.photobucket.com/albums/v172/yewzallah/runs.jpg'>

while ya boi does the dipppp on yaaaa.





shit is reeeeeeeely reeel out durrrr

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