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I Just Saw The Incredible Hulk

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It was okay. But the talking, ahhh the talking! The first hour of the movie was boring. Almost everyone in the movie theatre was acting like the beginning of the movie was like a fucking intermission. Half the people in there were getting up and going to the bathroom, and walking around talking to people, and talking on their cell phones, im pretty sure people were playing checkers in the back. I dont blame them, but i guess its harder to keep peoples attention these days. It was also bad because everyone decided to bring their fucking kids so there were like five different babies crying at the same time.


...Anyway, back to the movie. Once the hulk started crushing things it was good. Maybe i would have liked it more if i was a comic book fan. I dont know...



i just needed to vent

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Originally posted by Daze One Million

i didnt read this thread yet cuz im seein the movie tomorow, but hopefully its good...it didnt look that good from the preview but we'll see



i retract this statement movie was pretty dope the dog scene and the scene were he fucks up the tanks was ill

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Originally posted by Vanity


ya'll remember the flash series w/ the guy that played capt america?


they should make a nick fury movie... or is it nick shield? i forget.


there is a nick fury movie ("nick fury: agent of shield" i think?) starring, of all people, david hasselhoff... i was totaly stoked when i saw it was gonna be on tv, started watching it, then saw david hasselhoff... big thumbs down... he doesn't look or sound tough at all, and he smoked these pinner little cigars instead of the big ol nick fury ones... i suppose the movie could have been entertaining regardless, but it was about 9am on a sunday and the beer was wearing off so i fell asleep...


and the flash show was dope in a 'i'm home sick from school and i'm doing nothing but watching tv all day' kind of way...

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Guest imported_El Mamerro
Originally posted by ARCEL

today when i read the paper in one of the ads there was a whole page dedicated to hulk garbage: hulk crackers, hulk walkie talkies, hulk toys, all kinds of shit thats going to end up in the trash a week after you buy it.


Haha, the paper today there was an ad section for this shitty local toy store... and they were advertising all kinds of Hulk crap, including, get this... a HULK FISHING ROD. I mean, I can't stop counting the vast number of parallels and relationships between The Hulk and catching fish, so I guess it makes perfect sense.


Anyways, the movie pleasantly surprised me. Ang Lee saves it from the cheesiness that killed Spiderman, and the special effects are actually pretty damn good. Seems like they just used the shitty looking scenes on the trailers... there were points (seldomly, but they were there) where he looked absolutely real, and as much as I looked to see the CGIness, I couldn't find it. He was WAY too fucking large at some points though, and the final fight scene gets a bit out of hand.


Did anyone notice when he hits himself in the nuts? When he rips the top of that tank off, the cannon barrel hits him right in the balls, and he stops to growl in pain for a second, hahaha. Nobody who was with me caught that...


[phonetic spelling] "NO LE GOOHSTERIA VURME CUANDOE EHSTOYE ENOJEDO!!"[/phonetic]

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Guest imported_Tesseract
Originally posted by El Mamerro

Haha, the paper today there was an ad section for this shitty local toy store... and they were advertising all kinds of Hulk crap, including, get this... a HULK FISHING ROD. I mean, I can't stop counting the vast number of parallels and relationships between The Hulk and catching fish, so I guess it makes perfect sense.




hahahahaha, HILARIOUS!!!

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Ang Lee saves it from the cheesiness that killed Spiderman

thats what i was hoping for....and heard from other people as well, so good to hear that as a plus for the movie....I think I will go watch this one of these days matinee style.

what about the hulk dogs..there in it right? I thought that sounded kinda corny...how did they turn out?

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ya know vinyl.. i do remember that... i turned it off after 10 min.


they should make a good nick fury movie.


the green lantern would be cool too, just cause he's all anti capitalism and stuff.. it'd be interesting to see how they handled that.

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I remember that Nick Fury movie, too. It sucked.




Ang Lee saves it from the cheesiness that killed Spiderman




Well, I really liked Spiderman, and thought the cheesiness factor was appropriate for the flick.


The Hulk dogs are cool, but that fight scene is really dark.


I hear The Hulk set a June record in the box offices. Which means it beat out Spiderman. That's strange, to me. Although there were a TON of product tie-ins with this movie, the hype was relatively tepid.

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i just got back from the movie theater and.... it was ookay, but it was very entertaining and the visuals and fights scenes were awesome. i liked the cinematography too, like how they made it look like a comic, and it had some cool shots and camera angles.


go see it if you'd like, but next time i'm seeing charlies angles for tha boobies

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