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ligers, , and bears OH MY!


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i was watching television last night. me and my natural ice.



i was watching a program. a science program.


first it was about chimpanzees and humans mating.. making a "humanzee" (which i consider to be one of the worst possible names to choose from). they arent sure but they do believe this has occured, the "humanzee" is now dead. but he did look alot more like a human and he acted alot more like a human than chimpanzees. (for example, he started balding when he got older and when he want into the bathroom, instead of jumping up on the sink he would wash his hands).. oh.. and he always walked up right.


this led to another story about people cross breeding tigers and lions. apparently in the female lion there is a gene that tells the body when to stop growing, same goes with the male tiger.. so they cross bred a male lion and a female tiger and got a liger, a mamoth fucking cat. it has nothing that tells its body when to stop growing so.. yeah.. the one they had shown last night was as big as a picnic table.



it's crazy.


but i am also totally against this. you shouldn't fuck with nature.


yeah just thought id let everyone know my new information.

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