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saturday was spent daywalking the city. until night. 8 hours of trekking, downtown to batterypark, further down to the village, up to 42nd and back.


start of my journey.





ah, the maiden of the sea holds the fate of the world.




between them titties.



this is art. of the inspirational, incredible, marvelous and modern kind.



my uncle curious george's 50th birthday.



they call me john by the lonesome. though i had a partner that day.



it's the pillar of my strength!



may i enter? be it bliss, be it the abyss, let me in!


where does this lead to? a place of dark and scary things no doubt.


cracks of my life.


the gates of the american indian museum.


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glad to see the ppa results, so much good stuff. props fellas.



circus circus parking garage thunder storm:



lake street looking north:



the multi million dollar trench that is being build in the middle of downtown, to reroute train traffic under all the streets.



Train trench building equipment silouete:



Some typical east fourth street back ally graffiti:



For all the ballers, gold framed mirrors:



There i go trying to play with light again:



...And again:



.....And again:



.......And again:



Be pretty sure these track are out of service:


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Thanks dos. The really orange skies are kind of rare, we had a massive thunderstorm and it suddenly cleared up to the west right as the sun was setting, everything outside looked like it was on fire for a while.


I'd punch jesus in the face for a medium format camera with a digital back, no fooling.

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Originally posted by GnomeToys@May 16 2005, 02:02 PM


I'd punch jesus in the face for a medium format camera with a digital back, no fooling.



i would do more than punch jesus in the face for a digital back for my holga, but i guess they would have to make them first.




sorry about my played out flashlight effects. Most of my stuff is played out though so i guess it fits in.

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I have a pentax 6x7.


they don't make a digital back for it but the way i see it, i don't need one. The only advantage is the imidate turn around.


If you buy a medium format film scanner($1000 - or $200-$300 for a good flatbed with a mask) you get the same exactly quality as a 22megapixel back for more than $9k less.


Also another opition, shooting medium format with a digital back is stupid, just go buy some standard professional dSLR. To shoot medium format with a digital back defeats the aesthetic quality of medium format much like digital ruins the craftsmanship of photography.


There is a reason most galleries won't accept digital prints.


Have fun when your hard drive crashes.


MyPants/ Pro Film till DEATH

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oh, and if you do go digital you should really consider using a Mac and make sure you only use some quality lens(I suggest nikon lens or canon. If you can't afford it Sigma is a must. Avoid Tamron(decent but not the best), Takor, and Vivitar)


Random babble on Sigma:

When I used to shoot 35mm I'd only use Nikon lenses(so pricey but totally worth it in the long run) My room mate shoots with a Nikon N90 and uses all Sigma lenses. One day I left my 12mm-24mm lens at our apartment so i borrowed his and i was shocked by how crisp they are. Definitely great lenses for the price.


As for their digital SLR i can't say much because i honestly don't know nor do i have any experience. I'm pretty sure GnomeToys shoots with one(i could be wrong) but his stuff is pretty quality so i guess that can speak for the camera.

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Originally posted by -Rage-+May 17 2005, 05:09 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (-Rage- - May 17 2005, 05:09 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-MisPantalonesEstaEnfuega@May 17 2005, 01:56 AM





izze izzee dead?



i had this bad feeling no one would get that...

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Originally posted by MisPantalonesEstaEnfuega@May 17 2005, 01:53 AM

Random babble on Sigma:

When I used to shoot 35mm I'd only use Nikon lenses(so pricey but totally worth it in the long run) My room mate shoots with a Nikon N90 and uses all Sigma lenses. One day I left my 12mm-24mm lens at our apartment so i borrowed his and i was shocked by how crisp they are. Definitely great lenses for the price.


I would have to agree. I'm using one of the cheaper sigma lenses made (28-200mm F3.5/F5.0?) and it is pretty sharp over most of the range.



As for their digital SLR i can't say much because i honestly don't know nor do i have any experience. I'm pretty sure GnomeToys shoots with one(i could be wrong) but his stuff is pretty quality so i guess that can speak for the camera.


I'm using the SD9.


It is a good camera, but has its issues. If you're in the market for a digital SLR right now I'd suggest buying something else, Sigma doesn't seem to be coming up with anything new. I played with a Nikon D70 around christmas last year after my aunt bought one and it focused so fast in AF mode compared to the sigma that I almost shat myself.


The SD9 has some serious power issues, which they did not fix correctly on the SD10. I get about 150 shots off a set of rechargeable AAs, which thankfully is all I have needed. Then you need to replace the 2x CR123a every 1000 shots or so. In the SD10, they took out the need for CR123as which made it almost impossible to power the camera with normal batteries, so people have been buying rechargeable CRV3s instead of AAs. The jackasses on the sigma discussion forum over at dpreview will swear up and down that this is somehow better than a proprietary battery system. I have to disagree after using batteries from Sony that would take 600 pictures without losing a bar of power.


High ISO performance is crap, hence indoor / bar / concert photography usually doesn't turn out good. This right here:




Is the best I've been able to get out of ISO400 in full daylight. It doesn't look bad, but that noise that is there is sometimes ALL that is there in lower light photos.




For a daytime landscape or city camera though, it can't be beat. I'll be buying a Canon next anyway, unless Sigma manages to address these problems.


</end rant>

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