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The Photography Thread


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Originally posted by O Mei Shan

willy man, your work with the german shephard was outstanding, the composition unrivaled. you are my hero.


yeah this thread was getting pretty annoying to look at recently. thewillyman changed that! :lol:

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Originally posted by thewillyman

hey pmb i was looking at this photo and i thought that maybe if you adjusted the aperture and shutterspeed on your camera this photo wouldnt suck as much. Now, the photo lacks any real depth and the composure is all wrong. maybe if you step back from the subject a little you will actually be able to see what is going on. i'd suggest you use a minolta 1400 with 26 exposure film. wind it on manually and develop it in the dark room on your own. make sure you dont let any light get to the film because maybe thats why its mostly dark. overexposed. and you should go back at a more suitalbe time of day to take the picture. I'd also suggest some documentation and a little bit better composure. But i mean obvoiusly you're a beginner so keep at it son.


Well, I tried what you said, camera type and all, but I was so disappointed with the results that I refuse to post them. I fear the ridicule and insults that will be hurled in my direction. If you hold me while I post, maybe I'll put them up. But not until I'm in your arms.

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so it's not a picture.... but it's about photography.... (news related)




MY CITY -- A five-year-old boy shot in the face with a high-powered air pistol during a drive-by shooting spree has a pellet lodged near his right eye and was in a critical care unit at the **** Hospital, a hospital spokeswoman said Monday.


**** **** also said the parents of the boy -- who was hit while waiting at a bus stop outside the **** **** with his mother -- asked that the hospital not give out any other information about the boy, including if or when he might undergo surgery.


A team of doctors, including a brain surgeon, were called in to examine the child after he arrived at the hospital.


"These weapons inflict serious injuries,'' **** told *** News. "They are not toys. They are not playthings. This is completely unconscionable. I simply cannot understand what it takes to shoot at a five-year-old boy.''



Police have charged two 18-year-olds and a youth with various weapons offences. Officers also seized two carbon dioxide gas-powered air pistols.


So I was sitting on the roof across from where these bastards were arrested

and I got shots of the whole thing. I'm talking to newspapers right now and

they might buy and publish my shots because I've the only photos of the

pricks being arrested. wild no?

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Originally posted by Kilo7-

So I was sitting on the roof across from where these bastards were arrested

and I got shots of the whole thing. I'm talking to newspapers right now and

they might buy and publish my shots because I've the only photos of the

pricks being arrested. wild no?


good lookin out kilo...you and PMB...always in the right place at the right time.

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Originally posted by Kilo7-

So I was sitting on the roof across from where these bastards were arrested

and I got shots of the whole thing. I'm talking to newspapers right now and

they might buy and publish my shots because I've the only photos of the

pricks being arrested. wild no?

thats really awesome.

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The cops didn't really lay the beats down though.

I could have shot the next Rodney King video.


Except these kids deserved a serious beating. Assholes.


after I hear back from the newspapers I might post them up here.

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^ big difference.


These kids shot a 5 year old child in the eye and fled the scene.

There's a huge difference between that and me writing my name on shit.

oh... the paper called and they're probably printing them tomorrow.

I'll get a hundred buck or more if it goes on the cover. woo-hoo!


As much as a might dislike the police force,

I really despise people who attack random children.

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Guest Pilau Hands



This isn't about fighting the man.


It's about two jerks to shot a child. Could you reconcile not helping anyway you could? My line's not that black and white.

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Originally posted by NISO BRISTOL


wouldent like it if thos where flicks of you bombing. and he was selling the photos to the press. we all got to unight to fight the cops and bring down the sistem not grass and sell incrinatind photos of each over if you know what i mean


That's fucking ridiculous. You can pay to clean the wall, repaint it, or hire future security.


You can't pay to have a 5-year old immediately back to normal after being shot in the fucking face.



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Just to clarify, they're being listed as a 19 y/o and 2 18 y/o I believe but I've heard mixed versions.


The 5 y/o boy underwent surgery today I believe as the pellet was lodged inside his skull, and he has lost all sight in his right eye.


I'd curb stomp all three of those losers for the shit they pulled. Kid was comin' back from the Indy 500 with his Mom when he was shot. How the fuck do you justify that? "We didn't mean to hit him" was their excuse. Who the fuck DID you mean to hit? His fucking mother?


Seriously...this is the kinda shit that's wrong with this world.


They're being tried as adults. I wish this was in Texas so they would fry, as the Canadian legal system is far too lenient. I truly hope they contract HIV in prison from being raped.


-my 2cents-

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well the main work server is down at the moment

so I'm sitting with a laptop on the client couch.

Once it's back up I'll grab the flick and put it up.


I'm not sure what I'm getting paid but they said the

minimum was a hundred and more depending on placement.

Well it full colour on page 3 (1/4 page size). Show me the money.

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Originally posted by Kilo7-

so it's not a picture.... but it's about photography.... (news related)






So I was sitting on the roof across from where these bastards were arrested

and I got shots of the whole thing. I'm talking to newspapers right now and

they might buy and publish my shots because I've the only photos of the

pricks being arrested. wild no?


feel free to post em up !

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Originally posted by Kilo7-


It's a little soft in the focus because I had the digi set to

lowest resolution and I had to use 6.4x digital zoom

(and about 9 bottles of Sol in my belly by that time).




Excuses. :rolleyes:











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Guest imported_b0b
Originally posted by SteveAustin


Hey is everyone still interested in doing the project? If so...where are we at...who's on the list?


God knows. There was talk of using a normal camera and decent film and we all started dithering.. I still got the disposables sat here if anyone wants me to post it them and start it off....


What say all the Canadians doing it email me.?

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Guest sneak

^^BOB, i had an idea for ya...


have one camera (rage's) going round the states / canada..

have one going round the uk / europe (one of your disposable ones)..


the results are posted here, and a winner of the two rolls of film is decided. then either TEAM UK / EUROPE or team USA can declare superiority.

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