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mad jealous on the 600se. how much you get it for?


ended up with it for $350 off craigslist, more than i'd like to spend on a polaroid but it's got good resale value at least.


as for tips on landscape and cityscape photos i'd always try to shoot at sunset or a few minutes afterward or alternatively at dawn. those are going to give you the best light options. i've had good luck doing hdr stuff at those times but long exposure will give you a similar effect, just depends on what exactly you're going for. as for getting the human effect in there i feel like you'd have to do that at street level not so much from a wide landscape point of view...but maybe others have some better ideas.

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Probably could have been a little clearer but I'm trying to shoot people more as opposed to landscapes. I haven't really shot people, other than with staged iPhone pics I don't really care about.

I feel I have a decent grasp on night shots, night lighting, depth of field issues with the differing appetures etc..

I lurked this thread forever and read everyone's advice and goto the links people add.


I'm going to try and get some shots of people around Chicago in a natural setting and then I'll post and Ill see what you guys think.

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ah, gotcha. well in that case i'd just recommend trying to shoot from the hip as much as possible and just be discreet with your shots. in my case whenever people notice me looking through my viewfinder and actually composing a shot they tend to either get pissed i'm taking their picture or then pose which totally ruins the look that i'm going for.


one of the things i love about my yashica t4 is that it is a super scope so you can look down at it and get an idea of the framing. other than that i'd just recommend getting familiar with your lens if you're shooting with primes, once you have an idea of the distance and focusing its pretty easy to guesstimate your angle of approach to get the composition you want.

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