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still getting use to my d50 if any one has some tips it would be greatly appreciated


I assume the D50 and D70s are similar enough to help you out here. If things don't make sense, just check out Ken Rockwell's site for a billion things that'll be useful in some way, shape, or form.


I've noticed that shooting anything above ISO 800 looks pretty assy... hell, over 400 is someplace I'd prefer to stay away from, but sometimes a tripod just isn't handy. If you plan on shooting low light very often, it's best to "invest" in in the nikSharpener plugin for PS... it'll help a lot. Either that or get a good speedlight for $200-odd.


Little things:


If you have the option, turn gridlines on in the viewfinder. That shit saved me many times. Crooked images are gross.


I also remember something I saw on that Rockwell site about bumping saturation. If that's your thing, hook it up. The one thing I'm really not super fond of on the D-series is the menu>submenu>subsubmenu layout... but whatever.


Don't shy away from the exposure lock. It's a little awkward at first, but you'll use it all the time once you get used to it.


More than anything, don't forget that all the shit you know about trad. photo still applies. Once you get the tech. stuff dialed, it's all the same.

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Sneak, were it up to me, i'd tone way down on the saturation in the first few photos.


DecayingSketches: photonumber 3 is boners.


yeah, i had a feeling they were too bright. hmmm i do like how they contrast with the original-non photoshopped-pictures..

well like i say, just started and getting used to it!


im really feeling the b&w shots posted recently...i wish i could get the right levels of white and blackness!! haha that makes no sense..


ill update soonish

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