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The Photography Thread


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rageface and firepants, i'm down for some Eastern State. i'll be down there the weekend of the 2nd (thursday). I'm going down with some fools but i'll take a day to shoot photos with y'alls.

also, can't wait to see the PPA. scan that whore!

mackfatsoe. the reason my polaroids are blue is that 600 film is the wrong speed for the sx70 i got. so to compensate i needed a neutrel density filter, but i'm ghetto so i put a square of blue and red clear plastic over the lens as a filter. seems to work alright.

here's some from the weekend..




























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More Updates.


I am currently scanning the book and it's taking FOR FUCKING EVER.

I have 38 pages to scan front and backp.

I've scanned and edited 5 pages so far.

..Pretty much the front cover and my pages.

I started at 10:30p, it's now 1:30p.

That's 3 hours to scan and edit about 6/7 pages.

At this rate, it will take me about 18 hours to finish.


This is going to take longer than I expected.


I still want to make a fancy interactive flash menu before I post a thread.



Don't get pissed.

You'll like it when it's done.





Jibbers, just let us know what exact day you can hang out.

You've got my cell and I've got Pants'sszzezzszzzzzzzs.

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Fuck yes. i can't wait to see the PPA. I only got to see rage and tesser's pages, and i can't remember what they look like. I barely even remember my pages. all i know was i was nervous that my glue wasn't going to hold for the 8 shippings after mine.



i know you almost always shoot film, but are those digital? I really like them, but personally i'd prefer a little more contrast. But as you can probably tell, i absolutely love contrasty photos for most situations.

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Originally posted by MrChupacabra@May 11 2005, 06:06 PM

all i know was i was nervous that my glue wasn't going to hold for the 8 shippings after mine.


It held.





I'm about 1/3 done scanning only.

Still have another 16 pages to go, then editing.


At least I'm keeping you all posted.

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Yeah, those are digital. I flew out to see my girlfriend in Chicago and only took my dad's digi. I just finished all my final projects and I was completely photo'd out and didn't even want to take a camera but i felt naked without one. Plus, everytime i've previously flown out there I've always had a problem with the x-rays fogging my film. They tell you anything under 800iso is safe, that's bullshit. I've had 100iso film fog hardcore. So yeah, those will probably be the only digital stuff i post up.


As for contrast, I was touching them up in photoshop and some of them practically fell apart with more contrast. 5 megapixels is a lot when you can see them. I too enjoy really contrasty photos but after the last year of nothing but black and white printing for your teachers and having to have your prints dead on, it's force of habit to try and get things dead on.


Oh, and my dad rocks the Canon Powershot S50.s

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^ tis.


Scanning is complete.

I'll try editing a few pages tonight, but I've got a long ass Thursday ahead of me.


As I said, I will (and must) complete the editing by Friday night.


Poops, do you think a height of 1500px is good for a full size version?

It looked good with the first few pages.


Of course, I'll size them down for easy thumbnail views, etc.

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all things graffiti, photo, hip hop, gangstar, punk, metal, anti-government, urban, love, hate.. just pure grimey shizznitzz.


this will be a B&W xerox zine..

I want to make this street publication,

a release that comes out 4 times a year.

the 1st one will be released on the streetz

next month in tokyo, japan, then again in denver &

later on in SF. so I hoping that it will get around.

which means that your shizznit will get around if

you submit anything.

this will be an

ad free print.. no more or less than

16 Black & White

pages. I want this to be stuff from everyone

so please email me some shizznit.

photos of whatever, bitch flixz, graff flixz,

poems, raps, shout outs!! whatever..

if you send it & it's dope then it will be put in.


just send me an email with "zombie zine" in the email title

with your photos attached. just keep in mind that this will be B&W.

also I will have a PDF file availble which can be emailed out,

if you send me anything then I'll email you back with a PDF file

in return with the completed zine.


If you want me post your photos on freshsites or 12oz., state it in the email.





my email iz



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Originally posted by SteveAustin@May 12 2005, 02:28 PM

wow. almost 100 pages in this thread. phenomenal.


rage...you scanned the entire book!? holy crap man...I just figured you'd shoot digi's of it. I bet mine scanned like shit.


can't wait to see everything that was done after me.



Yea, props to Chupa for having an awesomely spectacular Photo thread.


First off S.A. your pages are sick. I AM going to take digitals of your pages at an angle. You know what I'm talking about.

Some other people have extra things to scan, etc.


Yes, I scanned the ENTIRE book, font cover to back cover.

I have about 100+ scans to edit today and tomorrow.


Ferms, 700-900px for Medium size? Wow, that's big.

I was going for 200-400.

You have to take account the 56k's and lower.


Then again.. this project will kill their computers.

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I am still editing the scans.

I've got about 60 more pages to edit and stitch together.


I've already done about 70.

I estimate it will take me about 5 more hours to complete the editing.


I have a feeling the thread will be dropped by Sunday afternoon.

(I'll be away from my computer all day Saturday)




Now that I think of it..


Could everyone who took part in this PPA Round please PM me with each state/province/county you are from?

Doesn't have to be the city, or anything that specific.

I want to use it in the thread, if it's okay with you.

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These are not mine. They were taken by either my Grandfather, or other close friends/family.



My Grandmother displaying the settings for a chinese meal.



A pretty dope rooftop.



Ichang China, March 1946. A bombed out China Travel Service Hostal.


A rising cloud of smoke from another bombing.


And on the back:



My Grandfather was a Lutheran missionary. Among the many places they traveled he and my grandmother lived in China for a good while until the communists drove them out.


Until next time.

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