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I liked your shots but I have one suggestion:


Don't be afraid to get dirty, don't shoot from your face. The Bird and the Worm technique, shoot from different angles.


Nice stuff though, glad someone still uses film.



Polaroid heads>>


I just ordered and box of 55 and 59 film, I've got a show coming up at some local coffee shop(not a big deal at all) but I'm doing all transfers and emulsion lifts. I'll post up the final stuff before the show. I'm hyped.

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most of the aperature settings i dont know or dont rember. its usally in the 7.1 range though. i normally just use the shudder priority setting and let the camera set the fstop when im shooting long exposures.




i still shoot alot of film, but my scanner is pretty shitty and the scans of my prints look like shit. ill have to get some up here sometime though.

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^^^ Awesome.




I'm in the process of relaoding and replacing my website.

For those who remember what it looked like before.. it will look much different by this Saturday.


Also, I have taken A LOT of Polaroids this week, but due to my website and job, I can't scan until Friday.


And the PPA is due to arrive any day now.


God, could there be anything else to add to my hectic schedule?

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You can even try polaroid.com

They have some tutorials.





Note for the PPA:

It looks fuckin AMAZING.

Everyone did a great job.


Sadly, I won't be able to scan the whole thing til at LEAST Friday.

Even then, I can't post it.

I got fucked over at work this week. I'm on straight til Thursday at horrible hours. Then I have a fundraiser on Saturday, a concert on Sunday, a concert on Monday and work on Tuesday.


So look for thread on Wednesday (the 18th) from -Rage-.

Also my 8k post.




It couldn't have been a worse week/month for me to get the PPA back.

Fur reelz.

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Good news for you.

Bad news for me.



-= I have off tomorrow! So, I can scan ALL day.



-= My dad's scanner ISN'T 11x14.

-= I have to use my scanner and scan each page in segments.

-= This will take for fucking ever.




So, I may be able to post before the weekend!

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cant wait to see it all up, although i had the pleasure of seeing the book in it's almost complete phase. curious to know what Ese did.


MisPant: Yeah, I gave it some thought today and I need to take on some more uncommon angles on things. Trouble is I'm still working with a Minolta X700 so I'm stuck with MF for the moment, which can be a problem for getting some interesting angles

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