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The Photography Thread


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Nothing perticularly good just what I've been doing this week.


Alphabet scavanger hunt on campus. "E is for Empty."

(it's a shame N wasn't "not clever.")


The Killing 9/4/04


The Killing 9/4/04


( http://www.thekilling.com )


Update on my 4x5 polaroid adventure:

I got my camera tuesday, Toyo 45CX view camera and the polaroid back. I set it up finally yesterday and got some 54 film($2.75 and exposure!!!!!) took two pictures both of them jammed in the back. I got nothing. Maybe this week.


Also, does anyone know where I can get an extremely cheap scanner/printer for OSX?

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Originally posted by MrChupacabra

First off, Misp, i'm loving that empty photo.


Second off, people seem to overlook stickies far more then normal threads. My suggestion is we all just try to add to this thread often so it stays on page 1.


Thank you for the compliment!


Literally everyone of my classes are based in some area of photography so I will always have new pictures (I spend like $45 a week in film) now the only task I have now is to find a scanner to use. I'm at home this weekend so it isn't too much of a problem.


I'ma keep this thread at the mafuckin' top!


*edit: I go to art school, I don't need to know how to write properlly

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If anyone can help?


My mom has given me her old Canon T50 camera, and i am new to trying to take quality photos as seen on this entire thread. What i need help with is, can i use any techniques on this camera? double exposure,anything? Im good at taking regular pictures, but i want my work to stand out a bit.Thank you for any response. Tricks and Tips would help. PEace

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keep in mind that most of the quality photos in this thread are "regular pictures." Sure, multiple exposures can be fun, but they get played out quite often. If you can do a double exposure that looks well thought out and nice, more power to you, but don't just take two photos over each other and try to play it off as being cool.

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