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Updated American Clean Train Thread!

Mellow Mood

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dudes is funny, grown men with minds of a 12 year old ..


anyway, i asked about it cuz its actually on my line...


and when i first came across that pic ..... thats the accusations that were thrown out there

that it never existed... it was photoshopped.


hence my question,




.. so .. OOOoo so sorry, for asking a question ..

a simple, "no, what u heard is wrong.." would of been simpler.




and the only reason i came in this thread, is cuz of the nyc one being closed.

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dudes is funny, grown men with minds of a 12 year old ..


anyway, i asked about it cuz its actually on my line...


and when i first came across that pic ..... thats the accusations that were thrown out there

that it never existed... it was photoshopped.


hence my question,




.. so .. OOOoo so sorry, for asking a question ..

a simple, "no, what u heard is wrong.." would of been simpler.




and the only reason i came in this thread, is cuz of the nyc one being closed.




You really just need to shut the fuck up dude... use your head bro shot

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uh oh ...


thugs on the internet still exist...



amazing how people jump out they windows to bash on a simple question ...


a question that is technically not coming from me ...


so therefor its sumthing i heard..or read.... (like i said 5 times)


.. has nuttin to do with my burners runnin on a line ..



.... lmao @ stupidity levels being hi as hell in here..


internet thugs.. go form voltron or something ...


.. you take the word "hard drive" to literal...


it dont make u tuff...



anyway... its a dead issue..

i asked a question ..

and got an answer .....


if it makes u feel better to talk shit behind your safe 19 inch flat screen monitor..

more then likely in another state ....

then by all means .. go right ahead and do it .



it dont affect me no way ... no how ..

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c'mon guys, i know somebody got down lat night... easter security is sleeeeepin.


i used to do that for years but now i feel like its too obvious. they are onto that now. i would eat dinner with my family on thanksgiving, easter, christmans day and then go to the yard. missions after church on christmas eve, new's years eve pre-game missions. having to squeeze painting in with family obligations, catching up with old friends that are back in town and i only get to see once or twice a year and just relaxing is too much for for me in my old age.


i dont think anyone is going to put up pics of stuff they did last night/today.


on another note, why do people come in here on put up pics of freights? do they have down syndrome or something?

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  • 2 weeks later...
thats an old heavyweight baggage car, at best it MIGHT be used as part of some little bumpkin tourist train or something. but thats no clean train. "clean trains all day" my ass. frauds.


oh come on man, maybe they dont have transit in their part of the country, but yeah, you're mostly right,,,,,burn! (on them, not you)

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