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yup i was talkin to pesky.. but screw it.. its not just a statement to him. its to everyone.. i can careless who likes my stuff or not. i can care less wether ppl think my stuff is top notch or not, cuz everyone does have there own idea of graff wether u like it or not its true. I don't agree with ppl postin on here who show no freakin improvement. im not calling out any names. but if u see my stuff from my very first post, u will see how much i have improved. i'll give the guy pesky and apology because i dont' want to sound like it was directly towards him. im workin on defining a style and i am one of the ppls that post on here, and usually don't get feed back nor do i ask for it cuz im doing things on my own. i just want ppl to see that there are some who do work hard to perfect certain things. i am one of those, skrew those who havnt shown improvemnt what so ever. now that i took up half of the forum.. ya'll can all die, and have a nice day.....................

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wakkkwaaakkkk...part 2...lol


hi there lol caused some beef eh? well fuk off!!!! i posted my view on this thread coz ppl arnt making time for it there jus mass producing shit stickers...why not take a lil bit more care when making them...


orig posted by who ever




well i do post and have done so for a bit mainly 4-6 pages back or prolly even more now.....also


some more things too


'...but he cant say oh all these have no style when he never posts flicks of his work' i can see ur point but dont be 'ACTING' up to me'


'i was talkin about pesky because i dont know maybe hes DOPE...maybe hes a huge toy' ---------


well to be fair u dont and u wont...


these are ones posted ages ago....and plus a good 12 pages back the stickers are raw and worth fukkin while...i dont want to put a downer on things but 'those who think there the shit' u better think again...coz u aint....





props to facah* u know who...big up the stiks...(thats how u represent...)respekt...

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PARKE: i dont dig on seeing every sticker you make. cool for doing your thing your way, but not all of us want to see all of your work ... post your best work save some to keep to yourself. note: i didnt say anything on the quality of your work ... i dont care you havent been doing this long and dont have the best work, its a quanity thing.


NESK: we are emailing and shits mellow ...


PESKY: i dont know if you were refering to me on the "think they are the shit" thing ...hope not, but if so i can reassure you i am far from thinking that. i am very realistic about where i am ... some of these new kids stroke my ego, but i know what i bring to the table.


i hope that clears the air for me .... i dont want to waste space.


i am in the works on a new thread that will put my shit in perspective for everyone, sit tight as this sucks when i dont own a computer myself. maybe next week sometime, i wrote out all my text .... i just need to work on the images.


another old one


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ok pesky well since you think that this thread is goin to hell so bad and u think it sucks so bad..help it out...post some flicks and make it what it used 2 be...the only reason it sucks now is cuz of the people who stopped postin stickers like hecz dork jasteq etc. .... but if u think u can make it better DO IT!!......ok that sticker is good...yeah maybe better than most of ours..and il admit this thread is goin 2 hell...but u gotta say that there is no style in any of ours?..sounds like a diss to people like me park fiend enter and rubish....people who are actually posting more than your talkin about the thread..

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wow a lot of nice stickers in here..as some of u might know, i used to trade frequently...for a botu a year.my sticker book was extrememly dope..just recently as i was looking for my priceless book,i couldnt find it.i panicked and looked everywere for a while..no luck..its gone...

i feel bad..:(





san diego

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alright you all realize that you are fighting with each other over a thread on the internet about stickers? sometimes i wish that 12oz was never created....but still, who really cares what people post, how often they post, how good/bad their stickers are, and whether its quantity or quality, because both can get you fame...seriously though, stickers are meant to be posted in the streets, not in and online forum, so this thread shouldnt be so important to you guys who are fighting...just chill and worry more about how your stuff looks in the streets rather than 12oz..


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Originally posted by Destruction by Definition

alright you all realize that you are fighting with each other over a thread on the internet about stickers? sometimes i wish that 12oz was never created....but still, who really cares what people post, how often they post, how good/bad their stickers are, and whether its quantity or quality, because both can get you fame...seriously though, stickers are meant to be posted in the streets, not in and online forum, so this thread shouldnt be so important to you guys who are fighting...just chill and worry more about how your stuff looks in the streets rather than 12oz..


its coo hes right...no beef...just if your gonna say shit about something make sure you have something to back it up or make it better......it would be like sayin your car sucks..and me not even havin a car myself....dont make sense...well no beef all charges dropped case closed





nice flick bob :lol:

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Originally posted by Destruction by Definition

haha thanks....thats a hood over my head if anyone is wondering, most of my friends thought it looked like i had long hair haha...

thats what i thought haha hey u down 2 trade bob?..i can have u up in chicago and post flicks in the street sticker thread...my email is n35k0n3rwc5@yahoo.com or aim n35k0n3rwc5 hit me up...peace.....p.s keep up the good work

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I know my stuff isn't as intricate or complex as some of the other stuff on here but I want to offer some of it up for trades.










sorry about the shit quality of my pics..I think tomorrow I might break down and finally hook up my scanner.

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Originally posted by ERIZENO

PARKE: i dont dig on seeing every sticker you make. cool for doing your thing your way, but not all of us want to see all of your work ... post your best work save some to keep to yourself. note: i didnt say anything on the quality of your work ... i dont care you havent been doing this long and dont have the best work, its a quanity thing.



i wasn't talkin to you.. i was talkin to pesky.. but i was wondering what he writes and i was right.. hmm..well ima keep posting doing my thing and puttin up stickers. i'll make sure to stop postin words. cuz it pisses me off when other ppl do it. screw it.. kill beef now..


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not being funny guys but beef is graffiti and those that chat bout wanting less beef are in a fukkin bubble...time to wake up...lol 'so ur a graffer know u think ur aggy now!!!!' let me tell u suttin its a fukkin war out there...

look i said b4 it wasnt part aimed at any one person and cert not all...BUT like i said b4 quality not quantity to b fair....(depending on ur graff scene...) i live in a place where stickers are of high importance those whove been to the dam would know!!!! im sure....


also..posted by som1...

'i wasn't talkin to you.. i was talkin to pesky.. but i was wondering what he writes and i was right.. hmm' ------------again u dont and prolly wont...

look i didnt intend to make this thread as bad as others on 12oz but seriously man......jus keep tongue in cheak type shit..

sorry but so many things and so little time...

prev posted also

'alright you all realize that you are fighting with each other over a thread on the internet about stickers?'

lol this made me giggle...---ur fukkin right....


'its coo hes right...no beef...just if your gonna say shit about something make sure you have something to back it up or make it better......' listen maan ive got more backups than a fukkin swat team get me...


nuff said....more sticks plz...yeh man props to hecz and facer.....

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orig posted by vynl...'Dem stokey boys always gettin aggy! lol'


that made me laugh lol fukkin lol.....its all that green and cider man..

vynl- come to the dam for a weekend of trouble?



http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid103/pace0040719f31a6cbd34f60c784d1fa2/f9b14577.jpg'> http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid103/pb336a1940358746d9bd66c05682e9a85/f9b1454e.jpg'> http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid103/p6d23fd7e2847ff6cd659b3d9f907075b/f9b139bb.jpg'>

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