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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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hahahaha....I knew.it.......it's almost 7 in th3e fuckin' mornin'.....and I knew you cats would be discussin' this shit.......lol....fuckin' flawless.......dudeskis....I'm wasted...all I know is.......I Didn't raid Bary Manilows wardrode.....hahahaaha........but yall' get that answer next Saturday.....and if not...ya might wanna check your calender............if you guys don't keep trhis afloat.......I'm crushed........fuck this noise...Immma smoke the last ofthis square...and I'moutta here...hahahahalol.

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i feel like venting. today my neighbor touched my dog on a sore spot i think, and he bit her on the head, which caused serious damage. he's going to be killed in ten days. to make a bunch of details short, sometimes i feel sad about it, and sometimes i don't. either way i reccomend to dog owners, know the laws in your state.




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yo 455, i've been messing with the old truck. i moved each of the wires on the distributor one way, flames came out of the carb. i moved them the other way and flames came out the other end. for some reason that gave me the feeling something was going to blow up. i put the wires on how they're supposed to go and it started and ran. it still seems to be running rich, tomorrow i'll look for the screws to adjust the carburetor. also i thought about ways to make see if each plug is getting current and sparking. a hot engine generally runs richer right?


my back hurts and i can't sleep, fuck. i thought i was done with the insomnia thing.

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no....fuck you cloner....fuck you


haha, s'good owls? how the fucks everyone been? whats the word on the street? i got some insaine flik for a thread. this dude was sitting at a bustop, truck hits car, car slams into bustop, leg seperated from body. mucho blood. whenever i put the program on my computer ill make the thread with the fliks. shit will be wild.

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yay 455 is back too;]



machai learned another word "DUDE" hahaha its so funny... and his first word was "yeah" "YEAH DUDE" and he also enjoys saying "MOO" he can say other shit..but those are the cutest..


i'm really enjoying school.i went from bad girl to school girl.. what the hell..



anyway i've been up since 6.30 and its 1.40 i gotta hit the sack..... need sleep..i love sleep...

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Originally posted by MLTf4nt0m@Sep 12 2005, 10:44 AM

no....fuck you cloner....fuck you


haha, s'good owls? how the fucks everyone been? whats the word on the street? i got some insaine flik for a thread. this dude was sitting at a bustop, truck hits car, car slams into bustop, leg seperated from body. mucho blood. whenever i put the program on my computer ill make the thread with the fliks. shit will be wild.




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i fucking hate customer service HATE HATE HATE it..and the only fucking reason why i stay here is in hopes to transfer to the art department.. cause there is no way i have time or could afford internships...


but seriously if i get one more fucking retard or nasty bitch im gonna scream.. oh wait i already did that..

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Originally posted by ARCEL@Sep 12 2005, 04:48 PM

holy shit. i often wonder if some people bribe the dmv, there's so many shitty drivers.



its funny you say that, because the dmv is literally right across the street, infact, i think theres a shot that has the dmv sign in it. haha.


cloner, im just fuckin around, its all love brother.

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