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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Originally posted by bute

krie, if you dont mind me asking, where did the fight occur that your getting questioned about? i have a feeling i was there.


You weren't there. It was inside a room with very few people in it. :ballcap:


Jessica Simpon is hot hot hot.


Heya alure

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Originally posted by When

im not sure why but for the past week or so

ive been buying cloves instead of spirits

djarum specials and blacks to be specific

why? i do not know

why can i not stop smoking them?

i do not know


i think ill go have one now


hmm, i'm going to go out on a limb and guess they don't contain nicotine.. please elaborate on clove cigarettes

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Originally posted by ARCEL

hmm, i'm going to go out on a limb and guess they don't contain nicotine.. please elaborate on clove cigarettes


You don't knwo about cloves??

man, you're missing out.


The word kretek describes an indigenous Indonesian tobacco product containing tobacco, cloves and flavoring, wrapped in either an ironed cornhusk or a slip of paper. It is widely believed that the name derives from the crackling sound that cloves make when burned - 'keretek-keretek'.



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Originally posted by cultural me

i liked cloves for about 2 hours, then i smoked another one and almost vomited. if your gonna smoke, smoke tobacoo. not crapooo


cloves are a tobacco product daaawg

its tobacco but with other shizzle in the mizzle


belive me i love my tobacco

ive smoked the best, ive smoked the worst

plus my lady friends prefer i smoke cloves now because they dont leave that stench on me quite like a regular square

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5 more weeks until i'm due to pop..holly shit.


i've gained 23 pounds.. and they want you to at least gain 25 pounds for a healthy pregnancy..so a pound a week..


i got a few pictures back from newyears and whenever i have time i'll go and scan them..

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i spent $30 at the barr tonmight...

margret and mailia (the dykey bartenders that i have absurd crushes on) bougth me 3 or 4 drinks too... each pint of pabst costs $2 and i tiop a dollar eeacj pint... that;'s a bunch of beer...

i passed out on my roof...

liz (my roomate) woke me up cuz i locekd the door...

so drunk.,..

fun nights...

falling sasleep whiule watching "they stole hilter's btrain"...

cheers fuckers...

i invited 15 or 20 kids over here from the bar...

hope they don;t show up...///


Originally posted by WrIot

i sould be a goddamn nightowl im always fukkin awake

9:49 pm is not late...


Originally posted by Zack Morris

an amazing thing happened to me today...I got a free 20 gig ipod

awesome fucking score...

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damn, i bought a 6 pack of this Cascade beer, it sucks. I actually wanna try find a new beer, not an import (as its too costly to drink on the regular) something from aus. the hunt is on..


got them photos yet when ?


any owls around ?

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Please excuse me whilst i go hand in my notice to the boss, ive got a new job starting feburary. not infront of a computer though, looks like twelve oz is only gonna be going on at night in about two weeks time. its $80 a week less than what i get now, but its an apprenticeship. so each year pay goes up and when im fully qualified, booooyah muthafucka.

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