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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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damn deliss.. 3 fucking years. that sucks like whoa. just for theif? what the hell were you stealing..just clothes? cause if thats the case my klepto ass needs to stop now. cause i got off the hook for my misdeamnor as long as i stay out of trouble for 6 months.. which in my case i cant seem to stay out of trouble.but oh boy.i'm i trying. still gotta go to court on the 17th for my 5 traffic citations tho. I hope they drop that shit too..cause i dont need high ass insuarance. But yeah dood that fucking sucks. lets go kill them. nightowl girlies representin in court fo'sure. muhah.



i went and got so many applications today. I guess im just gonna walk or ride a bike if i get morning/day shifts. I'm gonna try and get two jobs even if they are shitty as hell so i can get a fucking car. I want a wr-x. thats what i've had my eyes set on. but who knows. a car is a car. hopefully my mom will co-sign. my dad is moving to az. he finally got orders. I'm like fuck you i lived with you for how long..since we lived in this shitty state..and wanted to move..and now that i'm finally out of the house your moving.. prick. he still wants me to move to germany with my mom.. i dont know..argh i just want to be out on my own.


as much as i tell you guys..i feel like you are my online journal. harhar.

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deliss: hahaha... that guy sounds rad... you shoulda gotten friendly with him and had him trash the judge's car or something...

and yes, we will party andrew w.k. style indeed...


alure: woo for jobs... kinda... good luck!


and when: yer not on here yet, but i'm letting you know that you have mail...

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I have an online journal. about 2 that i started and rarely write in. sort of.


Yeah it sucks. Theft..for $60 in alcohol. Man..I am so gangster it hurts. Well not really. It was for my friends. I don't even fuckin drink anymore.



I'm gonna be some hermit that stays home . Today my friend asked:"what are you doing for spring break"

Me: " Staying indoors, staying out of trouble".

I also have to get the mail every damn day for a while. My parents don't know. And I'd like to keep it that way.


I got caught in like 9th grade for stupid shit like little toys that me and my friend took. We were just messing around. yeah, maybe I should have stopped then, ... but i didnt. It is an addiction. ANd I am gonna try my best to stop. I'll just imagine it being me, in court seeing a family member in the room there to try bail me out. Jail is not fun. Even if i did go just for a few hours... If i get in anymore trouble, its 6months pretty much automatically. And I have gotten my share of things. shoes, clothes, jewelry, art supplies, and alot of useless crap that is still in its packaging and is pure crap .


I also told myself once I turned 18, I'd stop stealing, painting, doing anything illegal. That hasn't worked out too well. But I want to do things right as fuckin corny that might sound. Even if i dropped 3 of 4 classes, my car is finally getting fixed, and i have all these fines and shit. I am pretty happy right now. Strange. I suppose.. I just want it to be done with. rooooar.


yeah so what did you dot oday.

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Originally posted by dELiSs

I also told myself once I turned 18, I'd stop stealing, painting, doing anything illegal. That hasn't worked out too well. But I want to do things right as fuckin corny that might sound. Even if i dropped 3 of 4 classes, my car is finally getting fixed, and i have all these fines and shit. I am pretty happy right now. Strange. I suppose.. I just want it to be done with. rooooar.


yeah so what did you dot oday.


har.i'm in the same boat. What is it about illegal things that is so attracting. I mean.. racing got me in so much trouble and if i had the chance to go race another car..or even a car for that matter i would so do it again. I havent painted in a while.. and i'm like "well i should stop..." but i doubt i seriously would.. i havent exactly been around.. cause i've tried to stay away..but i still do pieces and practice..and enjoy doing that.. if someone threw a can paint in my direction or if i saw someone doing it..i'd be painting the steel, or climbing the wall

.. i mean i just saw some kids that paint and they want me to go out and paint..and just hearing about it im like ...yay..yay.. but then i go home and think about it and im like "fuck man a felony..but ..but". AND STEALING.. omg im such a klepto.. while i'm at the mall and ganking all my shit i dont give a fuck..but then i come home and thinka bout it when im going through "gotta be a good girl phase" and think i need to stop..until i try on my new shoes, bras, swimsuits, jeans, shirts, jewerly..ect.. boy o boy. i feel ya.. for real.. ask rags, vinyl or when.. i'm always talking about "trying to do things better" bullshit..but then i get hella faded..do alotta drugs.. and stumble into the house sunday morning..recover by monday night..and i'm talking to everyone like a fucking dork .. arggh. mrow


see..thats why i was supposed to move to germany. But man.. i dont know(%&@()%&!(%)^!()%&!(&~(&~!!... fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk it.



i just filled out so many applications ouchy my fingas hurt.

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A lame story.


-So last summer I was talking to this guy, lets call him "jerk.". And all this drama came. I realized I didn't like him, but we kept talking. I just wanted to be freinds. i met him barely last year, even though we've been going to the same schools since junior high-

-In junior high, there was this guy and i guess we sort of had little "crushes" on each other. , lets call him "jorge". He went to a differnt high school. Then started talking to him after about 4 yrs since he's good freinds with Jerk. jorge is just my friend and is fun to hang out with. That is all.

-Recently jerk got drunk and told jorge that he needs some action, that jorge gets all the ladies, (since he does) and that "he stole me away from him etc , and he can have me , and he wants somthing new, ". jorge says "you know we'd never do anything, etc". jerk says " I don't care man, go for it". What the shit?go for it?go for what fuckface?...

--Is it possible to steal something he never had.? I just wanted to be freinds .. fucker. This guy ... nice, but..gahh.

it's not really a big deal to me. I was just bored. ANd felt like telling a story. I just don't care for boyfrinds and that bullshit really.


the end.<3 - $


-I want carnita's. but its in los angeles. a bit too far from me right now.. : (

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Originally posted by vinyl junkie

when: yer not on here yet, but i'm letting you know that you have mail...


har, at first i was going to delete it until i looked at the name and subject title

i never get mail from people, good show

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Originally posted by vinyl junkie

well, well, well aliens...


i have dug myseklf a biut of a whiole tonight...i'm all full of drugdsss......but ithink i'm fianny gonna let them do what they're sposed todo, and go to sleep in a bit...


i wass gonna post a picture of mine in here but the seemesmil.com seems to not ber werkinh...

wow... i have no fucking clue what picture i was gonna post... i probably just couldn't put my password in right...


i'm a fuck up...

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Life has been tough for as long as i can remember. (family issues, etc)

Some family thing happened. Every time I think "wow things are going ok"...besides the whole not having a car for now thing, court thing, fines, having no money and unable to get a job right now, I still for some reason was happy. It is rare that i for a while I've been so happy despite all the happenings . Then blam. some shit comes up. I'm sure it'll pass. I'm over it. i cried thought about it. ANd well i have gone through much much worse. I think I am "numb" from bad happenings. They pass fast when for others they'd probably be like oh my god what do i do life sucks. Not that I havent done that. Okay I am making no sense. Sorry bye. sladf;;jlads




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Guest deadmansrum.

Ahoy lads! How's life been treatin' ye lot? Me mate Captain Junkie told me to visit the boards once again, so that I may "give a shout out to homegirl Alure". So that's what I be doin.

And as long as I'm here; avast Deliss! Sorry to hear ye seas are stormy, but there's always some sun behind the clouds.

Cheers, mates, I'll see ye when I see ye!

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Originally posted by dELiSs

Life has been tough for as long as i can remember. (family issues, etc)

Some family thing happened. Every time I think "wow things are going ok"...besides the whole not having a car for now thing, court thing, fines, having no money and unable to get a job right now, I still for some reason was happy. It is rare that i for a while I've been so happy despite all the happenings . Then blam. some shit comes up. I'm sure it'll pass. I'm over it. i cried thought about it. ANd well i have gone through much much worse. I think I am "numb" from bad happenings. They pass fast when for others they'd probably be like oh my god what do i do life sucks. Not that I havent done that. Okay I am making no sense. Sorry bye. sladf;;jlads





deliss.. *hugs* if you only knew.. i feel that way too.. in so many ways..day by day.. i felt like i was reading my own post reading that shit.. i for the most part im usually a very happy person even tho im going through all this shit..with family and life in general.. so i understand what you mean..its kidna like just ignoring it.. like i can go out and party and be happy and laughing and shit then someone will ask me if im okay..like seriously ask.. and ill get into that convo and just start crying..its like i supress the shit to go on with my day.. someone told me my life quote should be "when it rains it pours" best thing someone ever told me..






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What did you birds do today?



  • Went to freind's house. took a nap. While they watched rap videos and danced to them nelly/f-a bolous style.
  • del taco. then friend and i went job hunting. which = going to stores, trying on clothes. and me buying 2 pairs of shorts from ROSS. They were the only cool things they had. They are both white "booty ' shorts. And are towel material. ANd they are for me to wear around the house or to sleep. So I'm not one of those girls who wear whore shorts with their ass sticking out. just to let you know. kthnx.
  • then stuff .went home etc.
  • took a nap.
  • yeah!


krie:crackers own.

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