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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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ragsoe, you clown...


Originally posted by ragsoe505

i think wale is payroll, got himself a undercover.........

I love this! First, I smashed your ego. Then you're dumb ass cries "battle" on 12oz. Third, after I tell you that you don't live anywhere near me, you talk about battling me over e-mail (I can post the e-mail if I need to)!!! You queer! Now, you're backpeddling in sheer embarassment, doing detective work trying to call out WALE!pd, who is not me. You are one sorry sack of moronic horseshit.
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Guest mikro137
Originally posted by dephyone

holla... i got me a dozen of krispy kreme donuts


oh word thats whats up


yes im now joining in.... for this post only.

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I used to work at this horse racing joint, owned by upper class guys that really know how and where to push their weight around this city. Anyway, the place was kinda sponsored by Krispy Kream.... so I've by far had my share of those doughnuts. I will, however, agree that they are pretty damned good. I'd say to get the full experience, if you've never had Krispy Kream, just get the glazed.

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zacko is here...I just got done going down to the un employment office to fill out a job application for ford...I have an uncle that was the safety chairman there for almost 20 years and now his son in law has surpassed him plus most of my family on my mothers side works there...my family that are in upper management basically guaranteed me a job as long as I pass thier performance tests...starting pay is $20/hr


i figure I can work there while I go t school for graphics and maybe get into thier design department there and make brchures and posters...basically cake work as far as graphic design is concerned.


also last night my room mate went to pick his girl up from the airport so they were greeted by me in power ragers underoo's...so my room mates way of getting back at me was waiting til I was jacking off last night and kicking the door open....hahaha...he's lucky he's my friend or else I would have just thrown my used towel at him.

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i was going to flix myself in my spiderman costume which is really tight, but i think id be more pathetic gimping around into a costume and osting it, plus im lazy but heres the costume.



here usually what i get in the mail every month 2 pairs, but this month i got this


3 shirts and stickers. what the hell i hope this isnt it for the month ahhhh, wheres my shoes. heheh nah i guess i cant complain since im not even skating at the moment.

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