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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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I got really drunk yesterday/last night at the work party. My parents left for Bali yesterday morning and already ive caused trouble.


My neighbour started throwing punches at me last night telling me to stop my swearing from the yard, he got a few good ones in, but apprently he came worse off so the police told me. This cunts like in his 50's, fucken homo.


He got shitty with just me having a mate over, wait till all the boys come round tonight to get boozed. Roud 2 might happen.

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its official that I am completely snowed in. To get out of my neighborhood you have to go up a LARGE hill twards the end. so far no one has made it past the hill that is covered in over a foot of snow and sleet and ice that fell over the past 36 hours. I am going stir crazy....fucking stir crazy. I am now doing research on building my own robot equipped with a hypnoray on top of his head so that I can take over the word in the name of nightowls.

I think I am going to get fucked up and go walk around and take pictues of what we call a blizzard in kentucky.

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still don't know how you guys deal with cold and snow...


um, i went to a small party last nite

for a couple of friends that i hadn't seen in a while.

i felt out of place. people get faker and faker.

makes me not wanna make the effort to socialize

and actually make friends...


the food was good though.

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the problem is I CAN'T deal with snow. I am going fucking crazy. I have resorted to researching stupid things on the internet and dancing like a 4 year old to drum and bass. I have spun every record I own atleast 10 times over, I suited up and went for a walk earlier and realized fuck the cold. It is 8 degree's out right now but irish coffee rules. I really want a ciggerette but I don't feel like putting all my layers back on to go smoke....I am going nuts and I hope santa brings me a snow mobile for christmas.


if you want snow willy then trade places with me...you can have ALL of it I will take a nice sandy beach over this shit anyday.

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i went outside without my jacket earlier and got goosebumps on my arms... man... sure is cold here...


on another note, yet another bike accident for me... late, late saturday night, and probably tore my ACL...

took a cab to the hospital, got out around 6am called a bajillion people before i found a ride home, am on crutches, and have been pretty much glued to my mom's couch since tuesday... hopefully i'll go home tomorrow, but i figure out how i'm gonna deal with all the stairs getting into my house...

sometime next week probably i go to a surgeon and get an MRI and find out if i need surgery...




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Originally posted by fatbastard+Dec 25 2004, 12:20 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (fatbastard - Dec 25 2004, 12:20 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-EarMuffs@Dec 24 2004, 06:06 AM

thought i was gonna be with them for xmas for the first time in 8 years but they are wrong.


Maybe things would be different if your parents got you a present and your grandma sent you that $100? :chicken:





but yeah you are right

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