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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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edit - so tonight me and this kid steve are out in this parking lot he's skating around and im riding. all of a sudden these fools roll up and start playing roller hockey in the parking lot. fucking roller hockey. seriously who the fuck does that.


rain sucks..its november 21st and ive been goddamn lucky with weather so far.

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so this girl at work that I am convinced has the flesh eating deseise is supposedly wanting to "holla" to yours truly. I am debating on flat out telling her ass NO! because she's creepy, being nice and start talking about my "girlfriend", or just straight fuck with her head and see hat fun I can have.


help me fellow bats.....oh and she is a very dirty hippie....hippies are gross and I bet she has flea's.

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you people fucking suck, wheres all the contributions at?


i wish i had my camera just now when i walked across the street to purchase some ciggs. this cop pulls over some lady right in front of me at this gastation, and she just jumps out and starts yelling at him, then he called for back up and a few more cops came, they searched her car and took her to jail, i guess they found some g on her. haha, she was screaming THE WHOLE TIME. it was great, nothing topped the situation off better, than my friend having her car towed as soon as the police took her off, the tow truck was picking up her car, right when the cops pulled off, she threw a fit. ahhhh, i could have easily ran to my place and got my camera, but im a lazy ass. so you know the deal.

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me and cameras dont mix like eight cups of sugar and one packet of koolaid in oil..


i always lose em or they break... halloween is a prime example.


i ended up taaking pictures of two drunk guys getting pummeled by cops

3 perveract shots

two of me i and my roomate dressed as little red riding hood and the big bad wolf

one of me using my streak on a train...wich my friend told me there was a cop in the background when he took it.


then i fell...got pissed of for some reason and ended up walking drunkenly through the crowds of costumed white folk..pushing whoever the fuck out of my way..


lost the camera and 5 bucks..


so instead..


what was my point?


oh yea so after the new year i wanna move to illinois..




when the hell does this warn crap go away? 25% seems like alot...and the two yellow bars are huge and distracting..


mayybye i should just go on a firsting rampage and get banned

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