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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Originally posted by vinyl junkie


enough coke to spell out "99 bottles" in lines...

there will be 5 of us...

we will take a bottle down, pass it around, and when it's done we'll take another one do2wn...

all in all it comes to about 20 beers each...

it will be fully doccumented...

it will be awesome...



better have a paramedic standing by

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Registered: Jul 2000

Location: Retired

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it's always nice to hear more of makros than just soil samples.


my letters, if you notice, have correct proportions and correct 3d.


overall.. yes

there's a few spots where it gets close to pushing the egde of 'correct'

but you manage to bring it back well. I find that more enjoyable than

the over-polished, 100% 'graffiti' pieces.






aka 14k







Registered: Nov 2002

Location: Retirement Villa

Posts: 7000

So Christ Puncher Oner.....

What did you think of that movie 'The Passion of the Christ' ?


enough punching for you?

12oz wants to know.











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Originally posted by Drunk Sober

the great american pumkin toss from a car going 50mph is coming first though!


this sir, is very tru


funny story about that.


we went around the day after halloween stealing the old pumpkins off of people's porches. there was about 8 of us in the back of a lifted bronco with a cover on it. we roll by this kid we dont like at all and we stop. we tell this dude to throw the pumpkin right at him while his back is turned. being the wuss that he is, he throws it, but just hard enough for it to land at the kids feet. he turns around and starts talking shit. so my friend took a pumpkin, and threw it at his chest.


a couple days later, we saw the kid again, and he was saying shit like "why you guys being bitches ad throwing shit" and my friend chris looks at him and says " the same reason we threw piss on you (at a concert earlier that year, kid thought it was beer at first) because it's FUN, and we CAN"


hahah, that kid was fucking stupid.

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Originally posted by MLTf4nt0m

this sir, is very tru


funny story about that.


we went around the day after halloween stealing the old pumpkins off of people's porches. there was about 8 of us in the back of a lifted bronco with a cover on it. we roll by this kid we dont like at all and we stop. we tell this dude to throw the pumpkin right at him while his back is turned. being the wuss that he is, he throws it, but just hard enough for it to land at the kids feet. he turns around and starts talking shit. so my friend took a pumpkin, and threw it at his chest.


a couple days later, we saw the kid again, and he was saying shit like "why you guys being bitches ad throwing shit" and my friend chris looks at him and says " the same reason we threw piss on you (at a concert earlier that year, kid thought it was beer at first) because it's FUN, and we CAN"


hahah, that kid was fucking stupid.


tsk tsk..you fucking bullys need an ass whopping

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fantom..your a lil shithead..do you bash out mailboxes on halloween too??? haha.. someone fucking did that shit to my mailbox when i was pregnant..the pole was bashed to the ground..i'm trying to pull it back up.. it was funny.. but my friend had to do it for me... OHH if i ever caught machai doing shit like that... he'd catch an ass whooping and a backhand..



anyway.. fantom thanks for my pics back and the stickers and letter;] made my day!! thanks

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tis cool alure.


nah, i dont fuck with mailboxes, just decorations. some of its pretty fucked up, ill admit, but as long as you ignore the fact that people spent time and money, not too mention holiday spirit, only for me and my friends to rip it down in seconds....then im okay. hahaha

im sick, goddamn flu. im going back too sleep. keep it real homies.

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